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    Title: 區塊鏈技術在藥品運銷之應用探討
    The Application of Blockchain in Drug Distribution
    Authors: 俞希珊
    Yii, Hee-Shan
    Contributors: 洪叔民
    Horng, Shwu-Min
    Yii, Hee-Shan
    Keywords: 區塊鏈
    Blockchain technology
    Drug supply chain
    Drug distribution
    Service blueprint
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:55:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著全球化之趨勢,藥品產業供應鏈亦變得越來越複雜。然而在藥品供應鏈中,偽藥及藥品的運輸品質管理,一直是很重要的議題,因爲這些議題會對公共衛生產生威脅,對患者造成損害,對醫療保健體系造成經濟損失。為了保證藥品從生產到最終使用者的品質,世界各國的衛生主管部門不再只針對藥品的製造,更開始看重藥品儲存、運輸及銷售的運銷過程。區塊鏈技術所提供的可追溯性、資料不易篡改性、更高的安全性,提供了藥品供應鏈一個解決方案,透過區塊鏈技術可以追蹤藥品在供應鏈中的每個環節,包括生產、再包裝、運輸、儲存和銷售,增加供應鏈的透明度和可追溯性,從而防止僞藥流入正規的供應鏈中。區塊鏈技術還可以實現藥品的全程溫度監控和記錄,保障藥品的品質和安全。本研究更進一步以eZTracker之例子為借鑑,剖析介紹區塊鏈技術如何應用在藥品運銷流程中,並利用服務藍圖繪製出國內原本的藥品運銷服務流程及導入區塊鏈技術之系統後的服務流程。EZTracker為亞洲第一個應用區塊鏈技術於藥品供應鏈中的平臺,可讓除了能即時追蹤及追溯藥品,還可以讓所有參與者共用和交換數據。透過服務藍圖的繪製,本研究發掘區塊鏈技術的應用可以幫助改進藥品運銷過程的安全性、透明性和效率。另,還可以協助企業節省成本、提高速度及回應能力、減少錯誤發生、提高合作廠商之間信任及提高顧客信心。
    The pharmaceutical industry supply chain has become increasingly complex with the trend of globalization. However, counterfeit drugs and the management of drug distribution quality have always been important issues in the drug supply chain, as these issues can pose a threat to public health, cause harm to patients and cause economic losses to the healthcare system. In order to ensure the quality of drugs from production to the end user, health regulatory authorities around the world are no longer only focusing on drug manufacturing, but also paying attention to the drug distribution process of drug storage, transportation, and sales of drugs. Blockchain technology provides a solution for the drug supply chain, with its traceability, data immutability and higher security. Through blockchain technology, it is possible to track every link in the drug supply chain, including production, repackaging, transportation, storage and sales, increasing the transparency and traceability of the supply chain, thereby preventing counterfeit drugs from entering the legitimate supply chain. Blockchain technology can also enable real-time temperature monitoring and recording of drugs, ensuring the quality and safety of drugs.
    This study further analyzes and introduces how blockchain technology can be applied in the drug distribution process, using eZTracker as an example. EZTracker is the first platform system in Asia to apply blockchain technology in the drug supply chain, which can not only track and trace drugs in real-time, but also allow all participants to share and exchange data. A service blueprint is used to illustrate the original drug distribution service process in the country and the service process after introducing the blockchain technology system by taking eZTracker as a reference. This study has finds that the application of blockchain technology can help improve the safety, transparency, and efficiency of the drug distribution process through the creation of a service blueprint. Additionally, it can also assist businesses in saving costs, improving speed and responsiveness, reducing errors, increasing trust among cooperation partners, and enhancing customer confidence.
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