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    Title: 打造越南火龍果全球品牌行銷策略之研究
    A study on building global brand marketing strategies for Vietnam`s dragon fruit
    Authors: 鄭佩英
    Trinh, Boi-Anh
    Contributors: 洪順慶
    Trinh, Boi-Anh
    Keywords: 品牌權益
    Brand Equity
    Brand Marketing
    Brand Resonance
    Vietnamese Dragon Fruit
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:52:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 越南火龍果在近年來的生產量和外銷量方面有顯著的成長。越南也是亞洲最大的火龍果種植國家,也是全球主要的火龍果出口國家之一。越南火龍果的主要市場是亞洲地區,尤其是中國、泰國、印尼、香港、馬來西亞和新加坡等國家。此外,越南也開始向歐洲(如荷蘭、西班牙、德國、英國)和美洲(如加拿大、美國、智利)等地區出口火龍果。


    In recent years, Vietnamese dragon fruit has experienced significant growth in terms of production and export volume. Vietnam is the largest dragon fruit cultivating country in Asia and one of the major dragon fruit exporters worldwide. The primary markets for Vietnamese dragon fruits include countries in the Asian region, such as China, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. Additionally, Vietnam has expanded its dragon fruit exports to Europe (including the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, and the United Kingdom) and the Americas (including Canada, the United States, and Chile), among other regions.

    Despite impressive sales figures, Vietnamese dragon fruit still lacks a unified marketing plan and brand development, which limits its ability to fully showcase its value in the market and differentiate itself from dragon fruits produced in other countries. Furthermore, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic poses a threat to the production and export volume of Vietnamese dragon fruit, particularly due to competition from China.

    Brand development is crucial for product marketing as it helps establish brand image, provide stable quality assurance, and win consumer trust and preference. Successful brand building requires the formulation of effective marketing strategies and activities based on the market demands of different countries and regions. Therefore, the thesis primarily proposes the establishment of a global brand for Vietnamese dragon fruit by thoroughly examining the brand strategies of Zespri from New Zealand and Sunkist from the United States. This approach aims to differentiate Vietnamese dragon fruits from its competitors, provide consistently high-quality products, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. Furthermore, by targeting and conducting marketing activities targeted at different national markets, Vietnamese dragon fruit can enhance consumer preference and trust in its products.
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