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    Title: Covid-19影響下,公司治理與公司績效之關聯
    The relationship between corporate governance and corporate performance under the impact of Covid-19
    Authors: 張宇鈞
    Chang, Yu-Chun
    Contributors: 徐愛恩
    Tsui, Stephanie
    Chang, Yu-Chun
    Keywords: Covid-19
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:51:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: COVID-19疫情對全球經濟產生廣泛的影響,而在公司治理意識逐漸抬頭的今日,許多文獻都有探討公司治理與公司績效的關聯,但是這些文獻對於一些重大經濟危機所帶來的影響與改變並沒有重點著墨,因此本研究考量了COVID-19疫情這個因素,分析出在COVID-19疫情影響下,公司治理與公司績效關聯的變化和影響。
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a wide impact on the global economy. In current era of increasing corporate governance awareness, many studies have examined the relationship between corporate governance and corporate performance. However, these studies often ignore the effects of major economic crises. This study addresses this gap by analyzing the changes and impacts on the relationship between corporate governance and corporate performance under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The empirical findings reveal significant alterations in the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and corporate performance due to the pandemic. Factors such as large shareholder ownership, director ownership, and board size show contrasting relationships with corporate performance when the COVID-19 pandemic is considered. Without considering the pandemic, there is a positive correlation between large shareholder ownership and director ownership with corporate performance, while board size shows a negative correlation. However, after considering the impact of the pandemic, there is a negative correlation between large shareholder ownership and director ownership with corporate performance, and board size shows a positive correlation. The relationship between CEO duality and corporate performance is found to be unreliable in this study.
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