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    Title: 董事會特性對永續報告書重編之影響
    The Effect of Board Characteristics on Sustainability Reports Restatement
    Authors: 賴芃君
    Lai, Peng-Chun
    Contributors: 翁嘉祥
    Weng, Chia-hsiang
    Lai, Peng-Chun
    Keywords: 董事會特性
    Corporate social responsibility
    Board characteristics
    Sustainability reports restatement
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:50:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討董事會特性對永續報告書重編的影響,並於額外測試中比較不同重編原因下的結果差異。研究對象為臺灣2015年至2021年發布永續報告書的上市公司共2,503筆樣本,以六個不同的董事會特性,包括獨立董事占比、永續發展委員會、董監股權集中度、董事會規模、董監成員會計經歷及教育程度進行分析。研究結果顯示,目前我國永續報告書重編比例平均高達11.63 %,其中有六成以上的重編是因報告書定義、範圍、更新計算方式和估計方法等非錯誤因素有關。實證研究發現,當企業設立永續發展委員會、董事會成員中具有會計經歷或較高之教育程度時,與永續報告書的重編呈現顯著正相關,表示這些特性可以提升報告書的品質;此外,董監持股比例與永續報告書重編則呈現顯著負向相關,尤其是在錯誤重編方面更為明顯,此結果符合Jensen and Meckling (1976)所提出之利益收斂假說,表示董監成員能透過其監督能力為永續報告書帶來正面效果;最後,研究並未發現董事會獨立性和董事會規模與永續報告書重編之間的顯著關聯。
    The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of board characteristics on the restatement of sustainability reports and to compare the differences in results under different restatement reasons in additional tests. The regression model was employed on a sample of 2,503 sustainability reports issued by publicly listed companies in Taiwan between 2015 and 2021. The results show that the average restatement ratio of sustainability reports in Taiwan is 11.63%, with more than 60% of restatements characterized by frequent updates to enhance definitions, scopes, or calculation methodologies (i.e., non-errors).
    The empirical results found that the existence of a CSR committee, the presence of board members with accounting experience, or a higher level of education, is significantly positively correlated with restatements, indicating that these characteristics can improve reporting quality. In addition, a significant negative correlation is observed between board ownership concentration and restatements of sustainability reports, particularly when revisions address errors or omissions. This result is consistent with the convergence of interest hypothesis(Jensen and Meckling 1976), which suggests that board members have a strong incentive to provide more systematic decision-making on CSR development. Finally, this study does not find a significant relationship between board independence, board size, and restatements of sustainability reports.
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