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Title: | 董事監督義務之紅線—揉合風險管理之觀點 The red line of director’s duty of oversight, combined with a perspective of risk management |
Authors: | 張哲愷 Chang, Che-Kai |
Contributors: | 方嘉麟 彭金隆 Faung, Kai-Lin Peng, Jin-Lung 張哲愷 Chang, Che-Kai |
Keywords: | 董事監督義務 公司治理 內部控制 風險管理 商業風險 經營判斷法則 商業判斷法則 Duty of Monitor/Duty of Oversight Corporate Governance Risk Management Business Risk Internal Control Business Judgement Rule |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:42:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文研究方法包含比較法學與跨領域研究。就前者而言,本文將比對美國、英國與台灣三國於董事監督義務之司法實務發展,並將之具體涵攝至相同案例中,促成比較法之對話,避免個說其詞;於後者而言,本文將揉合風險管理的思維,更具體地描繪董事監督義務之紅線。 本文認為,董事監督義務之具體內涵應分為兩個層次討論,分別為「取得資訊之前提」與「取得資訊質的要求」。前者而言,董事應本於企業風險管理Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)之思維建立合理資訊通報系統,並於系統有效性層面,因董事分配資源事涉企業文化與風險趨避程度,法院應參酌經營判斷法則 (business judgement rule, BJR) 之精神予以尊重;後者而言,融合內控四道防線與風險管理之精神,董事對於取得資訊的品質也應監督,並且其義務將因風險之性質而有差異。申言之,如董事獲知經驗上得以量化之客觀風險,應監督下屬提出成本效益數據,以供董事充足資訊得以權衡如何將風險控制於風險胃納之下;反之,如董事獲知客觀上不具經驗數據可據量化之主觀風險,此時董事之監督義務應著重於詢問義務,對於風險質化之表達進一步詢問,使自身具備充足資訊為決策。 在Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Enterprise Risk Management Integrating with Strategy and Performance 2017整合策略制定與風險管理的思潮下,董事無疑更應監督商業風險,其中併購風險即為典型。董事如已盡監督併購風險之義務,應認併購決策已具「充足資訊」,決策應受經營判斷法則保護,即便董事之決策超越風險胃納,亦或是併購綜效不如預期,法院也不應持後見之明事後審查其決策,以避免扼殺董事為股東創造財富最大化勇於冒險的精神。 The research methods of this thesis include the legal method of Comparative Law and Transdisciplinary Research. At the former, this thesis compares the developments of judicial practices at the area of director’s duty of oversight/supervise in United States of America, United Kingdom and Taiwan respectively. Moreover, in order to observe the pros and cons, this thesis respectively applicate these three different judicial standards into the same case and scenario. At the latter, this thesis combines the viewpoints of risk management with the judicial practices that illustrating the red line of director’s duty of oversight/supervise more concrete. In my viewpoints, director’s duty of oversight/supervise should specifically discuss in two levels, which are “the premise on receiving information” and “the demanding quality of information”. At the former, first, directors should construct a reasonable information and reporting system based on the concept of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Second, directors should make sure the abovementioned system are effective. More importantly, when it comes to the issue of “effective system”, the judicial court should comply with the value of business judgement rule (BJR) since “how effective it should be” related to enterprise resources distribution highly intertwined with enterprise culture and the attitude of risk taking. At the latter, due to directors are the last gate keeper in the four lines of defense for internal control, directors must oversight the quality of receiving information. In addition, the formation of the duty depends on the nature of risk. To be specific, if directors receive objective information, which is able to be quantified, directors have the duty to make sure subordinates provide cost-benefit data, supporting themselves making informed risk management decision controlling the risk to be acceptable. On the contrary, if directors receive subjective information, which is unable to be quantified, directors have the duty to make inquiry with respect to the qualitative narrative, supporting themselves to reach informed decision. In the context of integrating risk management and decision making referred to Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Enterprise Risk Management Integrating with Strategy and Performance 2017, directors indeed and indubitably have the duty to oversee business risk, among which M&A risks are typical. Under the condition that directors have overseen M&A risks, the M&A decision is an informed decision and protected by business judgement rule even if the decision is out of the scope of risk appetite or the M&A synergy is not achieved as expected. In this scenario, judicial court should not second guess the failure decision otherwise wiping out the spirit of directors to maximize shareholders’ value. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651011 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651011 |
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