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Title: | 社會支持、自我效能及家庭因素對高中職生偏差行為的影響 The Effect of Social Support, Self-efficacy and Family Factors on Deviant Behaviors of High School Students |
Authors: | 吳佩璇 Wu, Pei-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 詹志禹 吳佩璇 Wu, Pei-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 偏差行為 社會支持 自我效能 中介效果 Deviant behavior Social support Self-efficacy Mediation effect |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:38:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討社會支持、自我效能及家庭因素對高中職學生偏差行為之影響,研究資料取自中央研究院調查研究專題中心學術調查研究資料庫中「建構臺灣學生社會關懷行為對偏差行為影響之整合性解釋模型」個別計畫進行次級資料分析。該計畫以立意取樣方式選擇我國南部10所公私立高中職進行調查,而本研究因應研究目的進行篩選,擇定1,041位學生為研究對象,以探索性因素分析將社會支持、自我效能與偏差行為自陳量表進行歸類,再透過相關與迴歸分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、調節效果與中介效果檢定等方式進行分析後之主要發現如下: 一、家庭、學校支持及自我效能的提升可減少高中職學生偏差行為。 二、同儕支持會透過提升自我效能進而降低高中職學生偏差行為,但偏差同儕支持卻會增進其偏差行為表現。 三、不同家庭結構與經濟狀況不影響高中職學生偏差行為,但完整家庭結構與較佳的經濟狀況會增加家庭支持,間接降低偏差行為。 四、社會支持與自我效能對高中職學生偏差行為不產生交互作用,未能呼應交互決定論中行為由環境與個體交互作用產生之主張。 最後,研究者基於研究結果提出幾點建議供家長、學校教職員、政府機關人員參考,期待能讓高中職生在符合社會常軌的範圍中自信綻放獨一無二的光芒。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of social support, self-efficacy and family factors on deviant behaviors among high school students. The research data were obtained from the individual project "Integrative Model of the Impact of Taiwan Students` Social Care Behavior on Deviant Behavior" in the academic survey research database of the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences at the Academia Sinica. The project used purposive sampling to select 10 high schools in the southern region of Taiwan for the survey. Based on the research objectives, this study selected 1,041 students as the research subjects. Exploratory factor analysis was used to classify the measures of social support, self-efficacy, and deviant behavior self-report scales. The main findings were analyzed through correlation and regression analysis, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and examinations of moderation and mediation effects. The major findings are as follows: First and foremost, the enhancement of family support, school support, and self-efficacy can mitigate deviant behaviors among high school students. Secondly, peer support can decrease deviant behaviors among high school students by fostering self-efficacy; however, an escalation in deviant peer support will lead to an increase in their deviant behaviors. Thirdly, family structure and economic status do not have an impact on deviant behaviors among high school students; nevertheless, two-parent families and a higher economic status can augment family support and indirectly decrease deviant behaviors. Last but not least, social support and self-efficacy do not exhibit an interaction effect on deviant behaviors among high school students, thereby failing to validate one of the claims of interaction determinism.In terms of the findings, this study also presents some suggestions to parents, school staff and government officials. The aim is to empower high school students to confidently embrace their unique and brilliant lives within the framework of societal norms. |
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