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    Title: 文在寅時期之南北韓關係:美國因素之視角
    North-South Korean Relations in Moon Jae-in’s Administration: Perspective of U.S. Factor
    Authors: 歐陽萱
    Ou Yang, Syuan
    Contributors: 李明
    Lee, Ming
    Ou Yang, Syuan
    Keywords: 文在寅
    Moon Jae-in
    Inter-Korean relations
    U.S.-Korea Relations
    Korean Peninsula Denuclearization
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:36:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 朝鮮半島特殊的地理位置,使其長久以來成為大國權力競逐的重要場域,並造成了如今南北韓分裂的情況。南北韓之間的關係,主要受到南韓政府之黨派背景以及美國政策立場而有所不同。文在寅進步派的背景,主張與北韓改善關係,並實現朝鮮半島永久和平,但面對美國在朝鮮半島議題之影響力,文在寅不僅須取得北韓的信任,積極進行接觸,同時也須考量如何化解美國與北韓之間的衝突,才能使三方皆走在目標一致的道路上,共同緩解朝鮮半島緊張的局勢。此外,同樣身處東北亞的朝鮮半島周邊各國,包括中共、日本、俄羅斯等,對於型塑整體朝鮮半島的局勢走向也具一定的作用。由於朝鮮半島的情勢,將影響其各自在地緣政治及地緣經濟上的利益,因此面對朝鮮半島的動盪,各國亦分別作出了相應的策略,試圖藉由參與朝鮮半島議題的同時,使朝鮮半島的局勢能朝對自己有利的方向發展。
    The unique geographical location of the Korean peninsula has made it an important area for the surrounding major powers and has also led to the separation of North and South Korea. The relationship between the two Koreas is primarily influenced by the political context of the South Korean government and the United States` policies towards the Korean peninsula. Moon Jae-in is of the progressive party and advocates better relations with North Korea and the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean peninsula. However, the U.S. has a great influence on Korean Peninsula issues. Moon Jae-in has to engage with North Korea, as well as resolve the conflict between the U.S. and North Korea to bring the three countries along the same path. That may reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula.
    In addition, the surrounding countries of the Korean Peninsula, including China, Japan, and Russia, also play important roles in shaping the future of the Korean Peninsula. Since the changes in the Korean Peninsula’s situation will affect their geopolitical and geo-economic interests, these countries have developed corresponding strategies to deal with the turmoil on the Korean Peninsula. Furthermore, they also seek to ensure that the future development of the Korean peninsula aligns with their respective interests.
    This thesis focuses primarily on the interaction between South Korea, the United States and North Korea, and tries to discuss the potential direction of their future relations, as well as the possible impact of the United States` position on peace in the Korean Peninsula. Although Moon Jae-in did not accomplish the goal of achieving permanent peace on the Korean peninsula during his administration, his policies did temporarily mitigate tensions on the Korean peninsula. The United States can be expected to continue to play an important role in the future Inter-Korean reconciliation process. It is only when the United States and North Korea have settled their disputes over the security of the Korean peninsula that permanent peace on the Korean peninsula can be established.
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