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    Title: 亞太經濟合作會議之能源安全議程發展-重訪多流框架
    Agenda Development of Energy Security in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation - A Multiple Streams Framework Revisited
    Authors: 李蓁
    Lee, Chen
    Contributors: 蔡中民
    Tsai, Chung-min
    Lee, Chen
    Keywords: 能源安全
    Energy Security
    Agenda Setting
    Multiple Streams Framework
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:35:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去數十年間,鑑於政治關係、產業發展、地理位置、能源配置等因素,亞太地區成長最為迅速,而在全球舞台上地位突出。由過去的經驗可知,在衝突發生或電力配比中再生能源來源穩定度不足等情況下,石油及天然氣經常被用做政治武器,至於天然氣則亦在能源轉型過程中被視為重要的過渡燃料。因此,人們愈發注意能源部門之穩定性與透明度,進而提高對能源安全發展的重視,並加深市場參與者間的依存關係、影響整個區域的互利互惠。亞太地區國家將屬於柔性區域主義之亞太經濟合作會議,視作一應對緊急問題與達成一致目標之務實平台。
    In the past decades, due to political relations, industrial development, geographic location, and energy allocation, the Asia Pacific has been prominent on the global stage and become the fastest-growing region. The previous experiences show that, while conflict happens or renewable energy is not stable enough in the electricity mix, oil and natural gas have often been used as political weapons, inter alia, natural gas is also regarded as the major transition fuel during the energy transition. Hence, people pay more attention to the stability and transparency of energy sector, which boosts the importance of energy security development, deepens interdependence between market participants, and affects the mutual benefits to the entire region. Asia-Pacific countries regard soft regionalism - APEC - as the pragmatic platform to not only cope with urgent problems but also achieve the unanimous goal.
    As the market scope keeps growing and the trade structure continues to change, the perspectives from key energy enterprises are too influential to ignore. Drawing on agenda-setting theory and Multiple Streams Framework, the institutional mechanisms, including the Oil and Gas Security Exercise, LNG Producer-Consumer Conference, and LNG Trade Facilitation Initiative, reveal the way to enhance energy security in the Asia Pacific region through the problem, political, and policy streams, with the market stream proposed in this dissertation. Overall, it argues the way APEC and its member economies deal with the constantly changing international situations and fit in the larger global energy governance panoply through functional institutional mechanisms, inter alia, when large inequalities in geopolitical power, social development, and energy endowment between countries.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105265501
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