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Title: | 管理視角下的網路安全研究 A study of cybersecurity from the managerial perspective |
Authors: | 程宇歌 Hugueville, Maxime |
Contributors: | 尚孝純 Shang, Shari 程宇歌 Maxime Hugueville |
Keywords: | 資訊安全 管理 風險 根因 Cybersecurity Management Risks Causes |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:34:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | This study analyses four case studies of cybersecurity incidents (Equifax, NHS, Australian National University, and Desjardins) to determine the causes of management-related cybersecurity risks in organisations. Five main causes are identified: anticipation, understanding, commitment, accuracy, and strategy. They exert their influence over the whole organisation through the leading teams and structures, and especially top managers. They are interrelated and able to trigger and influence each other. Managers should use this framework to identify the weaknesses of their organisations and prevent cybersecurity incidents. A potential sixth cause have been identified: implementation, the rationale behind cybersecurity management structures in practice. Further observation and research are required to confirm it. |
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