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    Title: ESG評分與財務績效關聯性之探討──以消費性產業分析
    A Study of the Relation of ESG Scores and Financial Performance- Take the Consumer Staples industry for Example
    Authors: 陳品瑜
    Contributors: 徐政義
    Shiu, Cheng-Yi
    Keywords: ESG
    Financial Performance
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:30:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業的目標即為最大化股東權益,然隨著 ESG 概念的興起,企業漸漸重視 ESG 行動,許多國內外學者亦開始探討企業實行 ESG 與其績效的關聯性,現行 多篇報告提及企業實行 ESG 對其績效有正向作用,但亦有一說為實行 ESG 對 公司績效無顯著,甚至是負面影響。此外,現行相關期刊研究大多以國外 ESG 評分機構之評分作為變數,但本研究欲以台灣市場為例,探討 SASB 分類中消 費性產業(Consumer Staples industry)上市企業實行 ESG 是否對其財務績效有正 面影響,故在 ESG 分數方面選用台灣經濟新報(TEJ)於 2015 至 2021 年間計算 之 ESG 評分(TESG)計算;財務績效方面同樣使用台灣經濟新報(TEJ)提供之 ROA、Tobin’s Q 等作為企業財務績效指標代表。

    除整體 ESG 分數之外,本研究更深入分別探討 E(環境)、S(社會)、G(治理)三項 構面對企業財務績效的影響,以此建議未來企業可著重之企業社會責任項目。
    The goal of enterprises is to maximize shareholders` equity. However, with the rise of the concept of ESG, enterprises gradually pay attention to the importance of ESG actions. Many scholars at home and abroad have begun to discuss the correlation between the implementation of ESG in enterprises and their financial performance.

    Many current reports mention that the implementation of ESG in enterprises has a positive effect on their performance, but some say that the implementation of ESG has no significant effect on corporate performance, or even, a negative impact. In addition, most current studies take the scores of foreign ESG scoring agencies as variables. However, this study will take the Taiwan market as an example to explore whether the implementation of ESG in listed companies in the Consumer Staples industry in SASB classification has a positive impact on their financial performance. In this thesis, the ESG score (TESG) calculated by Taiwan Economic New Newspaper (TEJ) from 2015 to 2021 was used to proxy ESG performance. In terms of financial performance, ROA and Tobin`s Q provided by Taiwan Economic News (TEJ) are used as representatives of corporate financial performance indicators.

    In addition to the overall ESG score, this study further explored the impact of E (environmental), S (social), and G (governance) on corporate financial performance, and suggested CSR projects that enterprises could focus on in the future.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110351021
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