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    Title: 高齡者以使用與滿足理論探討新媒體Podcast學習養成之研究
    A Study of Elderly People`s Learning and Development of New Media Podcasts through the Lens of the Uses and Gratifications Theory
    Authors: 徐凱蒂
    Hsu, Kai-Ti
    Contributors: 鄭宇庭
    Cheng, Yu-Ting
    Hsu, Kai-Ti
    Keywords: 高齡者
    Aging population
    Elderly learning
    New media
    Qualitative research
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:24:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在以學術及理論的方式探討高齡者在面對新媒體Podcast學習養成方面的現況和需求。首先,進行文獻分析,探討高齡者的學習動機、經驗特性、特質及理論等,作為本研究設計的基礎理論。研究方法採用質性研究,透過立意取樣選擇五位皆為65歲以上,已經製作了podcast節目的高齡者進行深度訪談,探討其對新媒體的學習、認知、接觸Podcast的情況、製作一個Podcast節目而成為Podcaster的學習養成歷程、自己身為高齡者的學習需求、建議等相關議題。研究透過逐字稿的資料整理、分析及討論結果,了解高齡者在進入新媒體學習和成長上的需求和現況。
    本研究以使用與滿足理論為基礎,採用深度探討的方式研究高齡者學習、製作 Podcast 節目是否會對他們的滿足感產生影響、以及高齡者在學習、使用和製作Podcast節目方面學習養成的需求和滿足程度。研究採用深度訪談法和觀察法等質性研究方法進行資料收集和分析。研究結果顯示:一、高齡者學習製作 Podcast 節目可能會增加他們的滿足感;二、持續學習及參與能夠滿足高齡者生命階段的多元需求;三、高齡者需要教育機構提供實體的技術訓練和支持,以協助其學習、使用和製作和持續製作Podcast節目;四、高齡者製作的Podcast節目內容集中在知識分享、旅遊、寵物、健康養生、休閒智慧等方面。五、製作Podcast節目能夠增進高齡者的社交聯繫和對社會的參與感以及個人價值感。六、高齡者學習新的技能和知識,也可能感到挑戰和成就感,進而提高自我價值感和自我效能感。七、高齡者製作出自己的 Podcast 節目並分享給他人時,也可能感到自我實現感和社會認同感,進而提高其滿足感。
    This study aims to explore the current situation and needs of older adults in learning and developing new media Podcasts in an academic and theoretical manner. Firstly, a literature review will be conducted to examine the learning motivation, experience characteristics, traits, and theories of older adults as the foundation of this study. Qualitative research methods will be employed, using purposive sampling to select five older adults aged 65 and above who have already produced podcast programs for in-depth interviews. The study will explore their awareness of new media, exposure to podcasts, the learning process of creating a podcast program and becoming a podcaster, learning needs, and recommendations. Through data transcription, analysis, and discussion, this study aims to understand the current needs and situations of older adults in entering the world of new media and their growth in this field.
    Based on the usage and satisfaction theory, this study explores in-depth whether learning to produce podcast programs affects the satisfaction of elderly individuals and their learning needs and satisfaction in learning, using, and producing podcast programs. Qualitative research methods such as in-depth interviews and observations were used for data collection and analysis. The results showed that: 1) learning to produce podcast programs may increase the satisfaction of elderly individuals; 2) continuous learning and participation can satisfy the diverse needs of elderly individuals in different stages of life; 3) elderly individuals require educational institutions to provide physical technical training and support to assist them in learning, using, producing, and continuously producing podcast programs; 4) the content of podcast programs produced by elderly individuals is mainly focused on knowledge sharing, travel, pets, health and wellness, and leisure wisdom. 5) Producing podcast programs can improve the social connections of elderly individuals, their sense of participation in society, and personal value. 6) Elderly individuals may feel challenged and accomplished when learning new skills and knowledge, thus enhancing their self-value and self-efficacy. 7) When elderly individuals produce their own podcast programs and share them with others, they may also feel a sense of self-realization and social identity, thereby increasing their satisfaction.
    In terms of learning to produce a Podcast program and becoming a Podcaster, the usage, technical difficulty, and sustainability are still major obstacles for older adults. Therefore, this study suggests that in the future, appropriate technical training and support should be provided to older adults when learning and using Podcasts.
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