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    Title: 臺灣離岸風電產業之技術追趕 – 以水下基礎為例
    Technological catch-up of offshore wind power industry in Taiwan: The case of underwater foundation technology
    Authors: 劉誠翰
    Liu, Cheng-Han
    Contributors: 柯玉佳
    Ko, Yu-Chia
    Liu, Cheng-Han
    Keywords: 離岸風電產業
    Offshore wind power industry
    Technology catching-up
    Window of opportunity
    Sectoral system of innovation
    Localization policy
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:23:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著近年全球綠能趨勢,西元2016年臺灣政府公布2025非核家園新能源政策,訂定離岸風電為核心發展項目。同時為了建立本土離岸風電供應鏈,工業局於西元2017年也揭示離岸風力發電產業政策,預期透過政策誘因將供應鏈落實於國內。然而,離岸風電技術對於臺灣廠商而言為全新的領域,如何克服技術落差並把握相關機會,提升技術能力至國際水平,對離岸風電本土供應鏈之發展至關重要。





    With the global trend of green energy in recent years, the Taiwan government announced the 2025 non-nuclear homeland energy policy in 2016 and set offshore wind power as the core development project. At the same time, to establish a local offshore wind power supply chain, the Industrial Development Bureau also revealed the offshore wind power industry localization policy in 2017, expecting to implement the supply chain in Taiwan through policy incentives. However, offshore wind power technology is a brand new field for Taiwanese manufacturers. How to overcome the technological gap and seize the relevant opportunities to enhance the technological capability at the international level is crucial to the development of the local supply chain for offshore wind power.
    Nevertheless, most of the previous literature on technology catching-up theory only identifies the current status of technology catching-up of latecomers in the industrial sense, and literature on the window of opportunity does not mention the current status of latecomers in technology catching-up, which provides a solid basis for research but lacks an integrated concept. To fill the above-mentioned research gap, this study develops a new research framework that integrates the academic concepts of technology catching-up and window of opportunity to provide a framework for industry latecomers to overcome the technology gap in order to achieve a successful technology catching-up.
    This study selected the offshore wind underwater foundation of local manufacturer Century Wind Power Co., Ltd. as a case object for the in-depth research. Through semi-structured interviews and secondary data analysis to adapt the theoretical framework proposed in this study, we can provide an opportunity analysis for Taiwan`s offshore wind industry latecomers to overcome the technological gap and provide a revised direction and follow-up suggestions for the localization policy of Taiwan`s offshore wind supply chain. The conclusions of this study are as follows.

    1. The two major product lines of Century Wind Power Co., Ltd. current underwater foundation production ( Jacket foundation and Pinpile) can be defined as the second stage of the technical framework as they share the same resources and facilities.

    2. Since Century Wind Power Co., Ltd. has established a joint venture with a forerunner, the difficulty in catching up is not the refusal of the forerunner to transfer the license or technology, but the difference in fundamental technical capability, including project and document management, lack of personnel in the industry, challenging in welding technology, and difference in compliance with regulations.

    3. Century Wind Power Co., Ltd. can seize the window of opportunity in terms of technology, demand, and institutional to catch up with the international forerunner standard.

    4. With the policy support and long-term domestic and international demand, Century Wind Power Co., Ltd. can accumulate technical capability to achieve the goal of successful technology catch-up.
    At the end of this study, academic contributions, practical implications, and future research suggestions are future elaborated.
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