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    Title: 數位學習資源融入英語教學對於國中生英語自主學習動機與成效之影響
    Impact of Integrating Digital Resources into Junior High School English Courses on Self-Regulated Learning Motivation and Effectiveness
    Authors: 周美華
    Chou, Mei-Hua
    Contributors: 林巧敏
    Lin, Chiao-Min
    Chou, Mei-Hua
    Keywords: 數位學習資源
    Digital learning resources
    Self-regulated learning
    Learning motivation
    Learning effectiveness
    English language teaching
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:21:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中文摘要
    In the digital age, the Internet is full of digital learning resources that are open and accessible, forming a treasure trove of knowledge for self-regulated learning. In light of Taiwan`s goal of becoming a bilingual country by 2030 and the 108 curriculum`s desire to cultivate students into lifelong learners with independent learning, communication and interaction, and social participation, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the integration of digital learning resources into English language teaching and learning, hoping that the diverse and interesting learning resources can increase students` self-regulated learning time, promote students` learning motivation, and further improve learning effectiveness. The study also aims to provide a reference for teachers in the future to select teaching materials and design teaching methods when using digital resources in teaching.
    This research adopted a quasi-experimental method with a sample of 59 students from two seventh grade classes in a junior high school in Taipei City. The study duration was 12 weeks, and the students` learning motivation was tested before and after the study, and the learning effectiveness was tested before, during, and after the study. The experimental group used "platform learning record" and the control group used "after-school learning record form" to collect self-regulated learning time data, and the collected information and data were quantitatively analyzed by descriptive statistics and independent sample testing. Based on the results, the main findings of this study are as follows:
    There was no significant difference in self-regulated learning time between the two groups. The mean and standard deviation of the time in the control group were higher than those in the experimental group.
    There was no significant difference in learning motivation between the experimental group and the control group; the overall learning motivation of the experimental group improved more than that of the control group.
    There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in terms of learning effectiveness; the experimental group improved more than the control group in terms of learning effectiveness in "listening".
    Most of the students in the experimental group found the content of digital learning resources practical, and the learning style became more fun and interesting, and considered it beneficial to their learning.
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