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Title: | 臺灣民眾之線上民意表達及政治參與 People’s Online Opinion Expression and Political Participation in Taiwan |
Authors: | 陳怡婷 Chen, Yi-Ting |
Contributors: | 蘇昱璇 Su, Yu-Hsuan 陳怡婷 Chen, Yi-Ting |
Keywords: | 政治參與 線上民意表達 Political Participation Online opinion expression |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:21:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2020年臺灣的個人上網率達83.8%,網路為民眾接收資訊、交換意見之重要媒介。於網路上交流意見,改變了政府與民眾間的互動型態,可利於改善民眾參與之不平等,提升民主實踐的可能性,卻也可能強化原先線下具優勢之參與者,於線上表達意見,反而可能加深優、弱勢群體間的差距。 本文使用「『台灣政經傳播研究』多年期研究規劃:2018-2021年民眾定群追蹤面訪調查資料(TIGCR-PPS2018-2021)」,進行量化實證研究,討論以下問題:第一,民眾特質差異,是否會使民眾進行線上民意表達程度有所不同?第二,民眾特質差異,是否會使民眾進行政治參與行為有所不同?第三,考慮線上民意表達程度後,民眾特質差異與政治參與之關聯,是否隨線上民表達程度有所不同?第四,線上民意表達行為,是「加深」同一群民眾的政治參與行為,或是「擴大」不同民眾政治參與的可能性? 研究結果發現:第一,教育程度高、網路使用時間長、政治興趣高與外在政治效能感(影響力)高,較大機率有線上民意表達行為;第二,教育程度高、政治興趣高者,較大機率有政治參與行為,且能力面向的特質不會影響民眾的顯性政治參與(體制內)行為;第三,線上民意表達程度對收入、外在政治效能感(影響力)有減弱的調節效果,對政黨偏好有強化的調節效果,對職業類別部分,則因不同的職業類別與政治參與類型,而有不同的調節效果;第四,會線上民意表達者,確實有更大的機率有「加深參與」和「擴大參與」的情形。 因此,於制度上台灣民眾政治參與的機會平等外,若能建立民眾資訊使用能力,降低線上民意表達者之特質差異,避免線上民意表達行為造成不平等差距擴大,能更有利於台灣民主政治發展。 83.8% of Taiwan’s population have access to the Internet in 2020. Taiwanese people use the Internet to obtain information and exchange ideas. Sharing ideas on social media has helped to change the dynamics between the government and citizens, mitigate participation inequalities, and increase the possibility of democratic practices. However, Internet use may also widen the divide between privileged and underprivileged as privileged offline participants tend to actively express their ideas in online platforms, too. This paper conducts quantitative empirical research of a project titled “TIGCR-PPS2018-2021,” aiming to discuss the following questions. Firstly, are individuals with different traits engaged in different levels of online opinion expression? Secondly, do individuals with different traits have different behaviors in political participation? Thirdly, is there a link between individuals’ traits and different levels of political participation when their online opinion expression is at play in such scenarios of political participation? Fourthly, does a group’s online opinion expression “deepen” their political participation or does it “increase” the possibility of more diverse political participation? The research results indicate that firstly, highly educated people who spend more time surfing the Internet, take a keen interest in politics, and believe they exert considerable influence on the government are more likely to express their opinions in online social media. Secondly, highly educated people who take a keen interest in politics are more likely to participate in politics, although their capabilities do not affect their positive political participation. Thirdly, the level of online opinion expression serves as a moderator that reduces the impact of people’s income and external political efficacy on their political participation, has a strengthening moderating effect on their political party preferences, and exerts different moderating effects on different types of vocation and political participation. Fourthly, individuals who share opinions online contribute toward “deepening participation” and “increasing the possibility of more diverse participation.” As stated above, in addition to ensuring that Taiwan’s citizens are given equal opportunities in political participation, it may also benefit Taiwan’s democratic development if Taiwanese people’s abilities to use information are strengthened and people who actively share opinions online are made more homogeneous so as to avoid widening inequalities that arise from online opinion expression. |
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