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    Title: 企業投資新興科技決策之研究:以元宇宙為例
    A Study of Investment Motivations in Emerging Technology: Using Metaverse As an Example
    Authors: 廖萱昂
    Liao, Hsuan-Ang
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Shang, Shiaw-Chun
    Liao, Hsuan-Ang
    Keywords: 元宇宙
    Investment motivation
    Digital transformation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:19:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 與元宇宙投資相關的議題仍然存在疑慮。那些傾向於投資元宇宙的企業預期能夠呈現新穎的使用者體驗。然而,許多公司仍在考慮這樣一種體驗是否真的能夠擴展市場範疇並提升生產效率。由於對於元宇宙投資的不確定性持續存在,企業必須仔細審查這一趨勢,同時考慮內部問題和外部市場需求。對於投資性質有更好的了解,可以減少投資失敗的可能性。
    本研究介紹了一個基於 technology-organization-environment(TOE)和 new institutional theory(NIT)的創新投資框架。該框架提供了對於元宇宙投資的全面理解,並選定來自不同行業的案例協助研究。為了避免由於倉促決策而帶來的失敗或潛在危險,本研究提出的框架旨在支持企業在投資決策過程中做出明智的選擇。
    The topic of investing in the metaverse is still a point of contention. Businesses that tend to invest in the metaverse are anticipating presenting novel user experiences. However, many companies still consider whether such an imaginary experience can expand market segments and boost production efficiency. Due to the continued high level of uncertainty surrounding investments in the metaverse, businesses must carefully examine the trend while taking into account both internal issues and external market demands. The possibility of an investment failing decreases with a better understanding of the nature of the investment.
    This research introduced an innovation investment framework based on an understanding of the technology-organization-environment (TOE) and new institutional theory (NIT). This framework provides a comprehensive understanding of investing in the metaverse and assistance to study those chosen cases from various industries. In order to avoid failure or potential dangers connected with rushed decisions, the proposed framework in this study is meant to support businesses in their investment decision-making processes.
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