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    Title: 調查體育數位遊戲的吸引力 – 以NBA 2K為案例
    An investigation of the attraction of sport video game – case study of NBA 2K
    Authors: 呂勁霆
    Lu, Chin-Ting
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Lu, Chin-Ting
    Keywords: NBA 2K
    NBA 2K
    Sports video game
    Sustained engagement
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:19:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文探討了對於《NBA 2K》系列遊戲的持續參與動機,該遊戲是一款熱門的體育類視頻遊戲。該研究利用個人經驗、反思性民族誌和《NBA 2K》專家的見解,填補了研究中的一個空白,詳細分析了導致這款遊戲受歡迎並吸引玩家參與的獨特因素。研究結果揭示了持續參與的關鍵因素,包括社交互動的重要性、團隊和選手認同感、與時間和金錢相關的限制、技術優越性以及多種遊戲模式的存在。通過線上遊玩實現的社交互動和社群建設成為重要的動力,玩家對特定團隊或運動員的情感依附和忠誠感也成為重要的動機因素。在《NBA 2K》中的財務投資和技能發展成為切換到其他遊戲的障礙,而遊戲的先進圖形和身臨其境的遊戲機制使其與競爭對手有所區別。多種遊戲模式的可用性迎合了不同玩家的喜好並提供持續的動機。這項研究有助於理解體育類視頻遊戲玩家的動機,並為遊戲設計和開發提供了見解,對於遊戲開發者和視頻遊戲心理學領域的研究人員具有重要意義。
    This paper explores the motivations behind sustained engagement with the NBA 2K series, a popular sports video game. Drawing on personal experiences, reflexive ethnography, and insights from NBA 2K experts, the study fills a gap in research by examining the unique factors that contribute to the game`s popularity and player involvement. The findings reveal key factors driving continued engagement, including the importance of social interaction, team and player identification, constraints related to time and money, technical superiority, and the presence of multiple game modes. Social interaction and community-building through online play emerge as significant motivators, along with the attachment and loyalty felt by players who strongly identify with specific teams or athletes. Financial investment and skill development within NBA 2K act as barriers to switching to alternative games, while the game`s advanced graphics and immersive gameplay mechanics distinguish it from competitors. The availability of diverse game modes caters to different player preferences and provides continuous motivation. This research contributes to understanding player motivations in sports video games and offers insights for game design and development, with implications for both developers and researchers in the field of video game psychology
    Reference: Andrić, D. (2022). NBA 2K statistics. https://levvvel.com/nba-2k-statistics/
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110356008
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