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Title: | 台灣與生態國家理論:永續發展視角下的國家任務變遷 Taiwan’s National Tasks in Sustainable Development: A Perspective from the Eco-State Theory |
Authors: | 盧俊瑋 Lu, Chyun-Wei |
Contributors: | 林義鈞 盧俊瑋 Lu, Chyun-Wei |
Keywords: | 生態國家理論 永續發展 自然資源管理 國家任務 環保政策 Eco-state theory Sustainable development Natural resource management National tasks Environmental policy |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-05-02 15:07:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著全球氣候變遷與永續發展的議題日趨受到世人重視,「國家」角色所需承擔的責任與其政策規劃的方向亦發生了轉變。根據Meadowcroft所提出的生態國家理論,可以發現國家的政策將會從原先以解決社會外部性和社會福利問題為主的目的,進一步擴張至以環境保護為主的永續發展策略,並且隨著各個時空背景的需要,形成一波波的生態國家轉型浪潮。 本研究從探討工業化所帶來的結構性壓力、國際因素的影響、利益團體、制度與理念等五個變相(five Is)所構成的研究架構切入,針對受訪者提供的深度訪談資料與次級資料所登載之論述來進行資料分析,以了解台灣的政府部門在推動環保政策之演變軌跡,以及台灣的案例與全球各時期之生態國家浪潮的內容存在哪些異同。 經本文檢閱台灣的社福與環保政策之發展與深度訪談後,證明台灣「從社會福利擴張至環境保護」的政策規劃趨勢,符合生態國家理論的理論假設,「國家」的角色始終是台灣在推動永續發展的核心,但是就台灣在環保或自然資源管理議題上的倡導能力來說,台灣在國際上仍處於「被動」與「被影響」的地位。然而,正因為台灣具備得天獨厚的自然生態,催生國家擁有更強的「內部動力」朝向生態國家的路徑進行發展,因此,台灣在生態國家領域理應具有發揮議題倡導之潛力。 As the issue of global climate change and sustainable development has received increasing attention from the world, the responsibilities of the "state" role and the direction of its policy planning have also changed. According to the ecological state theory proposed by scholar Meadowcroft, it can be found that the national policy will be further expanded from the original purpose of solving social externalities and social welfare problems to a sustainable development strategy focusing on environmental protection. The needs of various time and space backgrounds have formed waves of ecological country transformation. This study intends to start from the research structure composed of five I’s, including industrialization and structural problem pressures, the influence of international factors, interest groups, institutions and ideas, and aims at the depth interviewe and the discourses published in the secondary data. The interview data is used to conduct data analysis to understand the evolution trajectory of Taiwan`s government departments in promoting environmental protection policies, as well as the similarities and differences between Taiwan`s case and the content of the ecological state wave in various periods around the world. After reviewing the development of Taiwan’s social welfare and environmental protection policies and in-depth interviews, this article proves that Taiwan’s policy planning trend of “expanding from social welfare to environmental protection” is in line with the theoretical assumptions of the eco-state theory. The role of the “state” is always Taiwan’s core of promoting sustainable development, but in terms of Taiwan`s advocacy ability on environmental protection or natural resource management issues, Taiwan is still in a "passive" and "influenced" position internationally. However, it is precisely because of Taiwan`s unique natural ecology that the country has a stronger "internal motivation" to develop towards an eco-state. Therefore, Taiwan should have the potential to exert its ability to promote issues in the field of eco-state theory. |
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