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Title: | 印太大國關係對四方安全對話之影響 (2000-2020) The Influence of Indo-Pacific Major Power Relations on the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), 2000-2020 |
Authors: | 劉家伶 Liu, Chia-Ling |
Contributors: | 黃奎博 Huang, Kwei-Bo 劉家伶 Liu, Chia-Ling |
Keywords: | 四方安全對話 印太戰略 美國 日本 印度 澳洲 中國 |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-05-02 15:07:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文研究重點是把時間點設定於2000-2020年,把中國當作區域競逐的量尺,將聚焦在印太國際關係裡的主體國家之間的互動情形,俾能了解此等相互牽引的量能形式對四方安全對話的影響,而透過文本分析法詳細梳理印太國際關係的歷史脈絡後,將續以新古典現實主義觀點了解探究印太國際關係場域互動的理論背景。
從結果顯示,對於來自中國的不對稱性挑戰,西方世界也皆為此付出許多政治戰略上的考量與批判,尤其是四方安全國家所引領倡議的抑中之詞,的確向外界傳達了清楚的戰略訊息。印太戰略含納所謂東方與西方共同融合整併的向前驅動力,且隨著印太一詞的頻繁出現,也更是反映了於亞洲有政治實力的美國為其中關鍵的新式地緣政經安排。 The research focus of this paper is to set the time point from 2000 to 2020, and to regard China as the measuring stick of regional competition. It will focus on the interaction between the main countries in the Indo-Pacific international relations, as to understand the mutual traction. Quantitative forms of influence on the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue(QUAD), and after combing the historical context of Indo-Pacific international relations in detail through text analysis, will continue to understand and explore the theoretical background of the field interaction of Indo-Pacific international relations from the perspective of neoclassical realism.
The content of this research is to explore the domestic policies of the United States, Japan, India, and Australia, and their impact on the country`s foreign policy. At the beginning, the surrounding areas only focused on the emerging geopolitical influence of Asia, but now the US diplomatic strategy has a clear intention to target China. Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between the US, Japan, India and Australia is deeply influenced by the US Indo-Pacific strategy.
The results show that the Western world has also paid a lot of political and strategic considerations and criticisms for the asymmetric challenge from China, especially the restraint of the initiative led by the four-party security countries, which indeed conveyed a clear message to the outside world. The Indo-Pacific strategy contains the forward driving force of the integration of the East and the West, and with the frequent appearance of the term Indo-Pacific, it also reflects the new geopolitical and economic arrangements in which the United States, which has political power in Asia, is the key. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系 107862002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107862002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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