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Title: | 臺日中三國大學生對韓國國家隊在國際賽事中違規行為觀感教育反思之研究 A Perception on Korean National Athlete’s Illegal Behaviors in International Sports Games from Taiwan, Japan and Mainland China College Students |
Authors: | 朴亞蘭 Park, Ah-Ran |
Contributors: | 鄭同僚 Cheng, Tung-Liao 朴亞蘭 Park, Ah-Ran |
Keywords: | 韓國 反韓情緒 菁英體育 體育外交 Korea Anti-Korean sentiment Elite sports Sports diplomacy |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-05-02 15:06:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺灣、日本、中國與韓國同屬亞洲東亞文化圈,不僅地理位置相近,也擁有使用漢字、以米飯為主食等相似的生活方式,加上四國同為在全世界中為數不多擁有自己的職業棒球聯賽的國家,也是這四個國家對國際比賽有著共同的熱情,加上COVID-19的疫情時代國家之間的交流變少,不知不覺各國的民眾們都會很關心2021年的東京夏季奧運、2022年的北京冬季奧運。 其中臺灣、日本、中國與韓國每年也會定期舉辦棒球交流賽,除了棒球外,在許多體育競賽上,如:籃球、跆拳道、羽毛球、桌球等,臺韓兩國也有不少的交流與切磋的經驗。但在兩國間的國際比賽中經常因為發生韓國國家隊選手犯規的行為,阻礙甚至惡化了兩國的關係。 因此,本研究主要目的在於從韓國實施的菁英體育教育後對於國家發展的影響以及選手在國際競賽中發生舞弊行為的關連性,以及臺灣人對此的行為認知觀點以及進而產生的反韓情緒進行研究分析,從認知層面,情感層面、到實際行為展現層面三部分進行研究分析。以某間臺灣國立大學的臺灣、日本、中國學生群體為取樣對象,通過訪談方法,將臺灣人、日本人、中國人對韓國擁有的「不佳的情緒觀感」進行數值化分析作為研究的出發點,研究在韓國推行菁英體育教育後,除了獲得在國際競賽的成果外,同時造成的其他影響,如:反韓情緒等,通過本研究瞭解韓國體育教育的問題點,為今後防止再發生類似的問題,提出韓國體育教育的未來方向,最終為東亞洲國家的和平體育交流做出貢獻,貢獻研究的價值。 Taiwan, Japan, Mainland China, South Korea and other East Asian cultures share similar lifestyles, such as Chinese characters and eat a rice food, and are among the few countries in the world to have their own professional baseball league. Taiwan, Japan, Mainland China, and South Korea hold regular baseball exchange games every year, and many other sports events, such as basketball, Taekwondo, badminton, and table tennis, have had a lot of experience in international competition between each country. However, international matches between the two countries have often been hampered or even worsened some of f fouls by Korean national athletes. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to impact of Korean elite sports education on national development by corrupting behavior of athletes in international games, and figure out anti - Korean sentiment of each country. It used the interviewing method with Taiwanese, Japanese, and Mainland Chinese college students who they study in one of the Taiwan University, Taiepei, for understand「Negative emotional perceptions」of Korea, and also can understand the effects of Korean school’s physical education on the promotion of elite sports education. In order to prevent recurrence of similar problems in the future, it will suggests guidelines for Korean school’s physical education and is aimed to contribute to peaceful sports exchanges between Taiwan, Japan, Mainland of China and Korea. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 109152014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109152014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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