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    Title: 探討跨國銜轉學生之華語能力與自我展現之互動:一位越南移民青少年社會適應過程之長期個案研究
    Understanding the interaction between Chinese language proficiency and identity development: A long-term case study on the socialization experience of a Vietnamese teenager as a new immigrant in Taiwan
    Authors: 陳惠芳
    Chen, Hui-Fang
    Contributors: 招靜琪
    Chao, Chin-chi
    Chen, Hui-Fang
    Keywords: 跨國銜轉學生
    Transnational Students
    Sociocultural Activity Theory
    Chinese Language Proficiency
    Identity Development
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-05-02 15:04:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 有別於一般大眾所認知的在台灣出生長大受教育的「新住民子女」,「跨國銜轉生」是「跨國轉學」或銜接台灣教育,尤其是青少年,他們會遭遇嚴重的生活經驗不連貫、語言不通的挑戰,卻無法被台灣本地的同儕或老師理解。本研究採用個案研究法,聚焦於一名11歲時來自越南男性青少年移民者(化名為葉小哥),透過5個學期的生活互動與訪談,並蒐集其來台後從小學到高中6年的完整經驗資料,又透過「社會文化活動理論 SCAT」的分析框架,將其家庭移民背景、國小後期、國中3年、高中前期列為4個活動系統,觀察每一個活動系統中6個元素之間的互動情形與產生之結果,以及矛盾事件展化學習的情形,以了解葉小哥在適應台灣社會過程中,其華語能力與自我展現如何互動。
    "Transnational students" differ from the general perception of "children of new immigrants" due to their experiences of discontinuous life and language barriers. This research adopted a qualitative case study approach, focusing on an 11-year-old male immigrant from Vietnam as the research participant. The data, collected through 5 school semesters of field observations, in-depth interviews, and the participant’s narratives, were analyzed using the Sociocultural Activity Theory framework. The result includes four activity systems of the research participant`s experiences: His family immigration background, later-stage elementary school life, three years of junior high school, and early high school experiences.
    For each of the four systems, the study analyzed the interaction between and among the six elements of the system and the development of conflicting events in order to develop an in-depth understanding of how the participant`s Chinese language proficiency development and identity construction interacted during his socialization process in Taiwan. The results indicated that providing Chinese language teaching resources alone, especially at the beginning stage, was insufficient for the participant to master Chinese as a "tool" due to multiple, complex challenges in his life as a cross-national transfer student. Two significant supports at this stage came from the participant’s junior high school teacher who was able to maintain a space for the participant to present his own voice, as well as the National Chengchi University`s University Social Responsibility Program team (Prospering Ankang-Benefiting Wenshan Project) whose communication and coordination of resources successfully resolved power imbalances in conflicting events. The "division of labor" played by these two, combined with the agency exerted by the research participant in conflicting events, provided the needed opportunity to integrate into the local community while developing his Chinese language proficiency. Eventually, the research participant was able to present an integrated self and reconstruct his identity using the Chinese language that he was able to handle by displaying his life experience in Vietnam during one-on-one Chinese/Mandarin classes that afforded the opportunity to fully narrate his own story in Chinese, through multiple dialogues and interviews with the researcher.
    The results from the study had the following suggestions for working with transnational students: (1) that school teachers should pay attention to whether transnational students have the space to speak; (2) that Chinese language teachers could set "narrating their own stories" as an important learning objective for such students; and (3) that transnational students` language, when appropriately connected with their homeland culture and experiences, can be considered their personal cultural capital. The study also highlights the need to coordinate and integrate multiple resources for transnational students, provides suggestions for assisting transnational students in expressing themselves in a friendly environment, designing principles for Chinese language teaching materials and methods applicable to transnational students, and providing Chinese language assistance teaching for transnational students in the later stage of language acquisition.
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