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Title: | 中國宏觀調控政策有效性之比較研究 A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of China’s Macro-control Policies |
Authors: | 盧韋 Lu, Wei |
Contributors: | 黃仁德 Hwang, Jen-Te 盧韋 Lu, Wei |
Keywords: | 貨幣政策 財政政策 信用管道 共整合分析 向量誤差修正模型 Monetary Policy Fiscal Policy Credit Channel Cointegration Vector error correction model |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-04-06 18:09:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中國經濟在改革開放後迎來了高速發展時期,中國經濟增長態勢成為國際經濟學者們關注的話題。而貨幣政策與財政政策一直都是一國政府和中央銀行對於經濟調控的重要手段。有鑒於此,本文以中國貨幣政策與財政政策為基礎,加入信用管道的傳導,利用共整合模型與向量誤差修正模型,探討中國宏觀調控政策有效性之比較研究。實證顯示貨幣政策和財政政策對中國國內生產總值都有顯著影響,但是不論是財政政策還是貨幣政策對中國國內生產總值存在遞延效果,但兩者的遞延效果並不一致。將財政政策與貨幣政策一起導入模型,實證結果顯示貨幣政策中貨幣存量、信貸總額與利率都對國內生產總值有顯著正向影響,但是利率的影響與理論不符合。財政政策中政府稅收對國內生產總值有顯著影響,而政府支出則對國內生產總值無顯著影響。 China’s economy is developing rapidly. Monetary policy and fiscal policy have always been important means for a country’s government and central bank to regulate the economy. In view of this, based on China`s monetary policy and fiscal policy, adding the transmission of credit channels, using the Cointegration model and VECM. Empirical evidence shows that both monetary policy and fiscal policy have a significant impact on GDP, both fiscal policy and monetary policy have a deferred effect on GDP, but the deferred effects of the two are not consistent. Introducing fiscal policy and monetary policy into the model, the empirical results show that the monetary stock, total credit and interest rate in monetary policy all have a significant positive impact on GDP, but the impact of interest rate does not conform to the theory. Government taxation has a significant impact on GDP, while government expenditure has no significant impact on GDP. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經濟學系 107258043 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107258043 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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