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Title: | 志願役士兵轉服士官所需職能之分析-以陸軍砲兵部隊為例 An Analysis of Competence Required for Volunteer Soldiers Converted to NCOs - Taking the Army Artillery Troops as an Example |
Authors: | 戴良吉 Tai, Liang-Chi |
Contributors: | 黃東益 Huang, Tong-Yi 戴良吉 Tai, Liang-Chi |
Keywords: | 陸軍砲兵士官 職能分析 深度訪談 層級分析法 Army artillery NCO Competency Analysis In-depth Interview AHP |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-04-06 18:04:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討陸軍砲兵初階士官職能項目,透過研究建構陸軍砲兵初階士官職能模型,並以層級分析法(AHP)方式,分析職能模型構面與評估準則間之關聯性與權重,以供陸軍砲兵部隊選、訓、育、用單位參考。 研究結果發現,「自我控制」、「正直人格」、「負責熱忱」與「人際關係」能力,為陸軍砲兵軍官及士官長評選較為重要的項目,在提升士官人才培育與職能訓練上,除端賴國軍兵科訓練指揮部進行基礎、進修養成教育外,亦須同步強化部隊駐地訓練,另外首重「人格特質」層面的知官識兵,為挑選培育對象之關鍵。 陸軍砲兵部隊士官多數職能項目必須透過教育訓練培育而成,後續在兵科訓練指揮部以及部隊駐地訓練課程若能針對職能項目進行重點式教學,並對人員深入了解其個性及背景等,透過平時工作表現及與同袍間相處狀況,必可有效了解「人格特質」構面上的表現。 此外,往後研究發展建議可朝探究陸軍其他兵科士官培育訓練體系發展,參考世界各國士官培育資訊,仿效它國可取之處,來全面化提升我國訓才、育才、留才機制。 This study aims to explore the competence items of the junior non-commissioned officers (NCOs) of the Artillery branch in the Army. Through the research, the competence model of Artillery junior NCOs are constructed, and the correlation and weight between the dimensions of the competence model and the evaluation criteria are analyzed by means of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). It is a reference for the selection, training, education and employment for general Army Artillery field units. The results of the study found that "self-control," "integrity," "responsibility and enthusiasm," and "interpersonal relationship" abilities were the more important items for Artillery Officers and Master Sergeants. Except for basic and advanced education pending on Army Branch Training Commands, it must simultaneously develop to strengthen Home Station training. In addition, the key of selecting training objects is to focus on knowledge of officers and soldiers at the level of "personality traits". Most of the competence of artillery NCOs must be cultivated through education and training. If the follow-up training in the Training Command and the home-station training can focus on the competence items , gain insight into people`s personalities, backgrounds, etc., through the usual work performance and situation between peers can effectively understand the performance on the dimension of "personality traits". In addition, future research and development suggestions can be developed towards exploring the training system of NCOs in other Army branches, refer to NCO training from the world, imitate the merits of other countries to establish a comprehensive talent management program to enhance the training, education and retention of NCO program. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 110921320 |
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