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Title: | 妥協的政治:印尼外交政策中的伊斯蘭因素 The Politics of Compromise: The Islamic Factor in Indonesia`s Foreign Policy |
Authors: | 林志育 Lin, Chih-Yu |
Contributors: | 楊昊 陳秉逵 Yang, Hao Chen, Ping-Kuei 林志育 Lin, Chih-Yu |
Keywords: | 印尼外交政策 佐科威 新古典現實主義 伊斯蘭因素 雙層賽局 Indonesian Foreign Policy Jokowi Neoclassical Realism Islamic Factor Two-level game |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-04-06 18:01:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 印尼建國以來便面對國內世俗派穆斯林與伊斯蘭主義者兩派的路線之爭,此一歷史脈絡使得印尼的國家定位夾處於世俗性國家與宗教性國家之間,因此可見印尼決策者在特定議題上向國內宗教勢力妥協。這不僅促使印尼的外交活動在伊斯蘭相關的國際議題上相當活躍,也使得印尼外交決策者在追逐國家利益的過程中必須顧及國內伊斯蘭議題的發展。對此,本文汲取新古典現實主義的理論框架並結合Rizal Sukma的「雙重身份困境」,對佐科威任內的穆斯林相關外交事件進行分析;除了對佐科威任內的國家利益考量與政治發展進行回顧外,本文亦分析印尼伊斯蘭因素在此時期的發展,並歸納該因素發揮作用時的必要條件。 Since its founding, Indonesia has faced a struggle between two factions: secular Muslims and Islamists. This historical backdrop places Indonesia`s national identity somewhere between a secular state and a religious one, leading its policymakers to compromise with domestic religious groups on specific issues. This characteristic not only fuels Indonesia`s active participation in international Islamic issues but also requires its foreign policymakers to take domestic Islamic issues into consideration when pursuing national interests. To analyze Muslim-related diplomatic events during Jokowi’s tenure, this article extracts theoretical frameworks from Neoclassical Realism and combines them with Rizal Sukma`s “Dual Identity Dilemma”. In addition to examining national interest considerations and political developments during Joko Widodo`s tenure, this article also analyzes the development of Islamic factors in Indonesia during this period and summarizes the necessary conditions for these factors to play a role. |
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