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Title: | 適用於雲輔助 IIoT 且具隱私保護之雙向關鍵字搜尋加密方案 Privacy-preserving Bidirectional Keyword Search over Encrypted Data for Cloud-assisted IIoT |
Authors: | 李丞翊 Lee, Cheng-Yi |
Contributors: | 左瑞麟 Tso, Raylin 李丞翊 Lee, Cheng-Yi |
Keywords: | 關鍵字搜尋 雙向搜尋 工業物聯網 免映射運算 多接受者 Keyword search Bidirectional search IIoT Pairing-free Multi-receiver |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-04-06 18:00:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 基於雲輔助的工業物聯網(Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT)技術越來越多地被相關 企業使用。此種創新營運方式不僅僅降低計算成本,更能提高作業生產效率。為了 達到保護敏感數據的隱私,IIoT 環境中的設備必須在將數據發送到雲伺服器之前對其 進行加密。然而具有關鍵字搜索的公鑰加密方案(Public-key Encryption with Keyword Search, PEKS)提供雲輔助 IIoT 環境下重要的搜尋功能,允許使用者在不需解密的情 況下搜尋加密數據。為了滿足更實際需求,Zhang 等人近期提出具有雙向關鍵字搜尋 的公鑰加密概念,此概念支援發送者和接收者雙向搜尋。然而由於他們方案無法抵 抗外部竊聽者或內部惡意雲伺服器發起的關鍵字猜測攻擊(Keyword Guessing Attack, KGA),因此該方案存在安全性問題。此外,他們方案需要耗時的操作,例如雙線性配 對,導致計算成本高。在此研究中,我們為多接收者環境設計一種具雙向關鍵字搜尋 的公鑰認證加密(Public-key Authenticated Encryption with Bidirectional Keyword Search, PAEBKS)新穎概念。並基於此概念定義該系統定義和其安全要求,以確保沒有攻擊者 可攻克選擇關鍵字攻擊(Chosen Keyword Attack, CKA)和關鍵字猜測攻擊的不可區分 性。此外,我們提出一種免映射運算的半通用架構,結合多方非交互協議和認證功能, 並其在標準模型(Standard Model)下的安全證明。最後經過我們實驗表示,與其他方 案相比,我們所提出的方案更實用、更安全,並且更適合使用於雲輔助 IIoT 環境。 Cloud-assisted Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology is increasingly used by related enterprises. This innovative business operation reduces computational costs and improves production efficiency. To preserve the privacy of sensitive data, IIoT devices must encrypt data before sending them to a cloud server. Public-key Encryption with Keyword Search (PEKS) provides an important search function over cloud-assisted IIoT, allowing users to search for encrypted data without decryption. To increase practical functionality, Zhang et al. recently proposed the concept of public-key encryption with bidirectional keyword search, which supports both sender and receiver searches. However, their scheme provides insufficient security because it cannot resist keyword guessing attacks (KGA) launched by an external eavesdropper or internal malicious cloud server. Additionally, their scheme requires time-consuming operations such as bilinear pairing, resulting in high computational costs. In this study, a novel concept called Public-key Authenticated Encryption with Bidirectional Keyword Search (PAEBKS) was devised for multi-user settings. The system definition and security requirements are formally defined to ensure that no adversary can overcome the indistinguishability against chosen- keyword attacks or KGA. Furthermore, we propose a pairing-free semi-generic construction, combines a multiparty non-interactive protocol and authenticated functionality, which has proven to be secure under the standard model. The experimental results reveal that, compared with other state-of-the-art schemes, the proposed scheme is more practical, secure, and suitable for use with cloud-assisted IIoT systems. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學系 109753120 |
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