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    Title: 論先秦儒家的禮治思想及其現代意義
    On Pre-Qin Confucianism’s Thought of Rule by Ritual (Li) and Its contemporary significance
    Authors: 劉鎧銘
    Liu, Kai-Ming
    Contributors: 王華
    Wang, Hua
    Liu, Kai-Ming
    Rule by Ritual
    Pre-Qin Confucianism
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:59:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文的目的是說明先秦儒家禮治思想對倫理價值的重視,以及由禮所建構的倫理價值如何在當代政治問題中產生作用。本論文分成兩個部分:第一部分是論述禮與政治治理之間的連結,以及禮治思想對當代政治問題提供的思想資源。這部分主要以荀子思想為主軸,分析在治理議題上,禮的倫理價值如何穩固社會基本結構。進而指出,荀子的禮治思想可對當代公共問題有所助益,尤其是在公民美德的議題上,其思想能夠增進公民之間的相互性認可。第二個部分則討論禮的當代重構。在這個部分,筆者將處理政府在當代應如何推廣禮,以避免產生意義弱化與關係變質的反效果;論述上以禮教僵化與刑律化議題作為起點,提出政府應以輔助的方式促成禮的當代實踐。在確立政府的角色後,筆者則以儒家與權利的兼容問題為主,說明權利在夠在日常生活中保護個人受不良關係的危害,以及在更積極的意義上輔助禮的當代重構。最後,筆者主張,藉由倫理關係的穩固進而產生良好的相互性關係,可以幫助公民理解到共同生活的意義,並將他人納入自身的行動考量之中。
    The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate the importance of ethical values in pre-Qin Confucian philosophy of rule by ritual(禮) and how the ethical values constructed by ritual can be applied to contemporary political issues. This thesis is divided into two parts.
    The first section discusses the link between ritual and political governance and explores the potential of ritual governance for addressing contemporary political issues. This section focuses on Xunzi`s thoughts and analyzes how the ethical value of rituals can stabilize the basic structure of society in the context of governance. I argue that Xunzi`s ideas about rule by ritual can be useful for contemporary public issues, particularly in promoting civic virtue, which can enhance mutual recognition among citizens.
    The second part discusses the restructuring of ritual. In this section, I deal with the government in promoting contemporary ritual, emphasizing that ethical values in avoiding counterproductivity. The discussion begins by addressing the rigidity of ritual and the legalization of ritual, and suggests that the government should promote the practice of ritual in a supportive way in nowadays society. After explaining the role of the government, I focus on the compatibility between Confucian virtues and rights to illustrate the importance of rights in protecting individuals from negative relationships and, more positively, aiding in the contemporary reconstruction of ritual. Finally, I propose that good mutual relations, created through the stability of ethical relationships, can help citizens understand the meaning of living together and involve others in their own thinking and actions.
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