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    Title: 美妝網紅行銷的單雙面訊息對消費者態度之影響:探討贊助透明度、自由威脅和感知相似性的作用
    Examining the effect of message-sidedness on consumer attitudes toward cosmetic influencer marketing: The roles of sponsorship transparency, freedom threat, and perceived similarity
    Authors: 麥博宇
    MAI, Po-Yu
    Contributors: 林芝璇
    Lin, Jhih-Syuan
    MAI, Po-Yu
    Keywords: 單雙面訊息
    Sponsorship transparency
    Freedom threat
    Perceived similarity
    Influencer marketing
    Cosmetic influencer marketing
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:56:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來網紅行銷成為社群行銷趨勢,尤其在吸引千禧世代和Z世代消費者上,扮演重要角色。現今許多研究致力於探討網紅行銷策略效果,以了解其中的關鍵要素。然而在網紅行銷上,單雙面訊息是否影響廣告效果仍是未知數。有鑒於此,本研究旨在瞭解美妝網紅行銷的單雙面訊息對消費者態度的影響,並探討贊助透明、自由威脅和感知相似性在其中的作用。本研究採用實驗法搜集了231份有效樣本,研究結果發現:(1)無論在贊助影片中使用單面或雙面訊息,消費者對贊助影片的態度是相似的;(2)相對於雙面訊息,單面訊息會提高消費者對透明度的感知,但贊助透明度不會影響消費者的態度;(3)相對於單面訊息,雙面訊息會降低消費者對贊助影片自由威脅性的感知,而自由威脅會對消費者的態度產生負面影響;(4)感知相似性對單雙面訊息的間接影響不具有調節中介的效果。最後,本研究針對結果進行討論,歸結出理論及實務面的洞察,並提出研究限制和未來研究可持續發展之方向。
    Influencer marketing has become a popular social media advertising strategy, especially for trying to seize Millennial and Generation Z (Gen Z) consumers’ purchasing power. Extant research has been devoted to understanding how influencer marketing works in order to identify critical elements that may contribute to the effectiveness of influencer marketing. However, it is still unclear whether message-sidedness determines consumer outcomes through different psychological processes after exposure to influencer-generated content. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to gain insight into the impact of message-sidedness on consumer responses to cosmetic micro-influencer marketing, as well as to investigate the roles of sponsorship transparency, freedom threat, and perceived similarity during the process. An online experiment (N = 231) revealed that (1) consumers’ responses towards sponsored posts were similar regardless of the presence of a one-sided or a two-sided message; (2) a one-sided (vs. two-sided) message induced a higher level of perceived sponsorship transparency, but sponsorship transparency did not influence consumer outcomes; (3) a two-sided (vs. one-sided) message resulted in a lower level of perceived freedom threat, and freedom threat had a negative impact on consumer outcomes; and (4) perceived similarity did not moderate those indirect effects. The findings are interpreted in terms of theoretical and managerial implications. Limitations and directions for future research are also discussed.
    Reference: Alampi, A. (2019). The future is micro: How to build an effective micro-influencer programme. Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing, 7(3), 203-208.
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