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Title: | 地方政府發行自償性公共債務以增加公共建設財源之因素研究-以捷運建設為例 An Analysis on the Factors of Local Governments Issuing Self-paying Public Debts to Increase Financial Resources for Infrastructure Projects - MRT as an example |
Authors: | 林楓宜 Lin, Feng-Yi |
Contributors: | 林左裕 Lin, Tso-Yu 林楓宜 Lin, Feng-Yi |
Keywords: | 租稅增額融資 自償性公共債務 AHP層級程序分析法 Tax increment financing (TIF) Self-liquidating government bonds Analytic hierarchy process analysis (AHP) |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:49:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 發行公債係地方政府籌措公共建設財源重要方式之一,其中自償性公債不納入公共債務法之舉債上限內,有助於地方政府已達舉債上限之情境下,仍可籌措建設財源;又目前各地方政府積極投入捷運建設,並在跨域加值方案及大眾運輸相關法規指導下,將捷運外部效益納入自償性收入中,藉以提高自償率,達到減輕中央及地方政府財政壓力,然而捷運建設經費龐大,前期建設費用仍須由地方政府先行支應,且自償性經費具有不確定性,因此有必要引入新的建設財源,避免造成財政排擠、債留子孫。 租稅增額融資係重要的自償性經費籌措財源制度,其中以租稅增額發行公債係較為常見的方式,然而於當前我國捷運建設推動實質環境下,建議增加償債來源、償債收入以減少未來債券可能違約的情形。 目前以公債籌措建設經費之地方政府較少,又自償性公債之償債來源多寡受到眾多因素影響,如房地產景氣、營運效率等,且在我國財政體制下,地方政府財政自主性較低,故相較於購買一般政府公債,金融機構購買地方政府所發行之自償性公債,其決策過程將更為複雜,故本研究擬探討金融機構對於投資自償性公債優先關注之因素並提出政策建議,供後續地方政府發行債券之參考,以提高財源籌措成功機率。 研究結果為,金融機構首重預期現金流量,顯示出金融機構重視建設計畫規劃的合理性;其次為在不可抗力因素-經濟景氣變動下,計畫順利執行的程度的程度,因當計畫如期執行,才有可能達到原定計畫目標,地方政府得順利償債,金融機構不因債券違約蒙受損失;第三則是建設計畫之配套措施,最後方為建設計畫之執行細節。對金融機構而言,債券本身特性並不重要,因當計畫規劃內容合理、順利執行並達成預期目標時,債券的特性便可如期展現。 The issuance of government bonds is one of the significant ways for local governments to introduce funding sources for public infrastructure. Self-liquidating government bonds have been excluded from the debt ceiling in The Public Debt Act, which allows local governments to introduce funding sources for infrastructure despite having reached the debt ceiling. Additionally, local governments are currently actively investing in the construction of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT). Under the guidance of cross-domain value-added programs and relevant laws and regulations related to public transportation, the external benefits of MRT have been included in self-liquidating income in order to increase the self-liquidation rate and reduce the financial burden on the central and local governments. Nevertheless, the MRT construction costs are astronomical and the initial construction costs must first be paid by the local government. In addition, self-liquidating funds are accompanied by uncertainty; thus, it is necessary to introduce new construction funding sources to avoid financial exclusion and leaving our debts to our posterity. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is an important system for introducing self-liquidating fund sources. In particular, the issuance of government bonds through tax increment is a more common method. Given the current reality of Taiwan’s MRT construction promotion, it is recommended both the sources and income for paying debts be increased in order to prevent future bond defaults. Few local governments issue government bonds to raise infrastructure funds, and the amount for repaying debts in self-liquidating government bonds is influenced by a variety of factors, including the real estate boom, operational efficiency, and so on. In Taiwan’s current financial system, local governments have limited fiscal independence. Therefore, compared to general government bonds, financial institutions purchase self-liquidating government bonds issued by local governments, which involves more complex decision-making. As a result, this study investigated the factors that financial institutions prioritize when investing in self-liquidating government bonds. Policy recommendations have also been proposed for reference by local governments when issuing bonds in order to increase the likelihood of successfully introducing financial sources. The results demonstrate that financial institutions prioritize anticipated cash flow, indicating their emphasis for reasonability of construction program planning. Secondly, under force majeure factors-changes in the economic climate, the focus lies in the degree of successful plan implementation. The original plan objectives can only be met if plans are executed on time. As a result, local governments can repay their debts successfully, and financial institutions can avoid losses due to bond defaults; supplementary measures for construction plans are third in importance, followed by implementation details. For financial institutions, the characteristics of bonds themselves are unimportant because when the plan content is reasonable and successfully implemented, with expected goals met, the characteristics of bonds can be displayed as expected. |
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