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    Title: 低碳轉型,區域再平衡和中國治理體系的調適: 生態發展型國家的地方視角
    Low-carbon Transition, Regional Rebalancing, and Adaptation of China’s Governance System: A Perspective of Environmental Authoritarianism
    Authors: 林凱源
    Lin, Kai-Yuan
    Contributors: 王振寰
    Wang, Jenn-Hwan
    Lin, Kai-Yuan
    Keywords: 低碳轉型
    Low-carbon transition
    Eco-developmental state
    Local government
    Environmental authoritarianism
    Regional rebalancing
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:44:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文從低碳轉型入手,試圖回答強調政府干預的「中國模式」,在成功地推動經濟快速增長之後,是否能夠適應環境治理和加速低碳轉型的需求,實現包容性和可持續的經濟增長,以應對區域、城鄉發展不均和環境危機。中國以威權環境主義路徑推動低碳轉型,在中央與地方的發展目標和節奏出現分歧時,中央政府通過重構環境治理制度和運用新的監測技術,嘗試通過「再集權化」減少地方政府在政策執行方面的「機會主義行為」。然而地方政府的財政資源日益減少而治理任務卻愈加繁雜,在多委託多任務模型下,信息不對稱和契約不完全的局面難以消除,反而迫使地方政府必須向地方社會尋求資源與合作:地方政府更加鑲嵌進地方社會,與包括企業在內的地方行動者共同組成的地方發展聯盟愈加牢固;加上低碳轉型自身的模糊性消弭中央政府自上而下干預和監督的效果,為地方自主性創造出更多空間,讓中央「再集權化」的威權主義路徑受挫。地方政府在特定時間點基於當時的限制條件和信息做出的理性決策,從中央政府的視角在連續的時間段上審視,顯得混亂不堪。因此,中國在低碳轉型方面取得的成就,實際上得益於在中央政府在威權環境主義路徑下,與地方政府與社會/市場組成的地方發展聯盟的合作。
    This dissertation examines whether the authoritarian ‘China model’ can adapt to environmental governance, especially climate change issues, and accelerate low-carbon transformation after rapid economic growth for decades, so to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic growth to deal with regional and urban-rural uneven development as well as environmental crisis.
    The central and local governments have diverged low-carbon transformation goals and implementation paces. Following the environmental authoritarianism approach, the Chinese central government restructures the environmental governance system and applies innovative data-collecting technologies to avoid the ‘opportunistic behavior’ of local implementation. However, local governments suffer the pressure of dwindling resources while governance tasks become more and more complicated, this situation forces local governments to seek resources and cooperation from the local society; information asymmetry, and incomplete contracts under the multi-delegate and multi-task model make it possible. Therefore, the embeddedness of local governments in the local society increased, and the local development alliance becomes more powerful; in addition, the ambiguity of the low-carbon transformation eliminates the effect of the central government’s intervention and supervision, which has frustrated the authoritarian path. The rational decisions made by local governments at a specific time point based on the constraints and information seems chaotic when viewed from the perspective of the central government over a continuous period of time. China’s achievements in low-carbon transformation actually benefit from the cooperation between the central government with local development alliances composed of local governments and society/markets under the path of authoritarian environmentalism.
    From the perspective of accelerating low-carbon transformation, the local government`s multiple-stream decision-making model under the pressure of up and down and ambiguity can lead to the emergence of more feasible innovative policies and alternative solutions from the locals. In addition to the spatial fix, this ambiguity compensates for the weakness of low-carbon transformation under the authoritarian environmentalism path, and the fluctuation of the policy context’s changes and feedback is maintained within a reasonable range under the path of ‘local eco-developmentalism state’ path, avoiding negative policy effects that hinder low-carbon transformation and developmentalism. By manipulating scarcity, local governments create policy rents and look for opportunities for local development during the low-carbon transformation.
    The study illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of the authoritarian environmentalism model in accelerating low-carbon transformation in three cases: 1) the development of the renewable energy industry in Gansu Province in the northwestern region; 2) the strategy of local government to deal with ‘dual control’ of energy consumption and blackout in Fujian and Zhejiang Province in the southeastern region; 3) the success of the Liuzhou model and SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile in Guangxi Province in the southeastern region. This study supplements the local perspective of the theory of the ‘eco-developmentalism state’, uses specific case studies to reveal the chaos of the top-down authoritarianism path to accelerate low-carbon transformation, and argues that the low-carbon transformation can be accelerated only by leaving enough autonomy for local governments and market.
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