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    題名: 「性別正義」在臺灣:以照顧與就業政策為例
    Examining Gender Justice in Taiwan with Care and Employment Policies as Examples
    作者: 王藝曉
    貢獻者: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-chuan
    關鍵詞: 性別正義
    Gender justice
    Gender division
    Care and employment policies
    Universal caregiver model
    日期: 2023
    上傳時間: 2023-03-09 18:44:38 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本文透過對我國就業與照顧政策的批判性檢視,以Fraser(1994)討論「性別正義」時所提出的三種模式:「普及式養家者模式」、「照顧者等同模式」及「普及式照顧者模式」為參考框架,分析性別正義在臺灣的落實情況。透過次級文獻資料分析,本研究首先檢視我國照顧政策中「再家庭化」及「去家庭化」措施及勞動市場性別相關就業制度,其次說明我國相關政策與前述三種模式之間的關係並以Fraser提出的性別正義面向分析我國的現況發展。整體而言,本研究發現我國就業與照顧政策明顯缺乏去家庭化的措施、對照顧價值的肯認、以及挑戰傳統性別分工的制度設計,與Fraser 所提的普及式養家者模式較為相符。基於普及式養家者在落實性別正義上的不足,本研究認為臺灣在透過就業與照顧政策的調整以實現性別正義上,需正視所有人特別是弱勢族群之需求,藉由調和社會、照顧及就業政策,以期擔任養家者或是照顧者角色是自由選擇,而同時擔任照顧者及養家者能獲得所需的保障與支援。
    The thesis aims to examine the care and employment policies in Taiwan through the spectacle of gender justice. First, by employing Nancy Fraser’s models (1994), the thesis argues that the current care and employment policies in Taiwan resonate the universal breadwinner model. Next, it further argues that gender justice is threatened by the lack of public care systems, the disregard of caregivers, and the absence of institutional design that challenges traditional gender images in the pursuit of universal caregiver model. Finally, it advocates the needs to adjust care and employment policies to achieve gender justice by enabling individuals to freely choose their roles as caregivers or breadwinners
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