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Title: | 中國因素對臺灣藝人與網紅言論審查、自我審查與表態的影響 China`s Influence on Taiwanese Entertainers` and Influencers` Censorship, Self-Censorship, and Confession |
Authors: | 徐右蓉 Hsu, Yu-Jung |
Contributors: | 黃兆年 Huang, Jaw-Nian 徐右蓉 Hsu, Yu-Jung |
Keywords: | 中國因素 自我審查 經濟民族主義 重商主義 威權發展主義 網路民族主義 China’s influence Self censorship Economic nationalism Mercantilism Authoritarian developmentalism Cyber nationalism |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:44:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文旨在探討中國因素對臺灣藝人與網紅言論審查、自我審查與表態的影響。根據1980年代至2021年在臺灣娛樂產業發生的政治審查案例,本文彙整出約90起臺灣藝人和網紅言論審查、自我審查和表態的新聞事件,並歸納出以下幾個值得探究的現象:一、2000年是政治審查的分水嶺,在2000年前僅有一例,而後逐漸增多;二、2020年後被迫表態的案例增多,兩年時間內發生的政治審查案例數量近於2020年前發生的數量總和;三、2011年後,小粉紅逐漸成為臺灣藝人被迫表態的一種壓力來源;四、網紅和傳統藝人相比,似乎較不需要理會政治審查的壓力。 本文試圖以經濟民族主義為框架,以重商主義、威權發展主義及網路民族主義對上述現象加以解釋。本文發現:2000年起臺灣藝人因中國因素被迫言論審查及表態的案例增多,乃是受到中國重商主義式娛樂產業政策的影響;2000年起中國娛樂產業興起保護主義、轉向進口替代,不再仰賴外來影視商品的中國逐漸對臺施壓。其次,2020年後臺灣藝人被迫表態案例增多,則是受到中國政府威權發展主義式媒體產業政策的影響;中國政府於2020年默認了一條「十年政治正確」的潛規則,確保臺灣藝人乖乖扮演中國官方期待的媒體角色。 另一方面,在政府主導的經濟民族主義基調之下,網路民族主義也日益成熟,致使小粉紅開始於政治審查的壓力來源中扮演著更重要的角色;與威權發展主義造成的結果類似,網路民族主義導致臺灣藝人被迫自我審查與表態。最後,在各種政治審查案例中,網紅相較於與傳統藝人的抗壓性或自主性似乎較高,這是因為不像傳統藝人多將中國同時視為市場以及投入生產要素的地主國,而許多網紅僅把中國當成一個潛在市場。 This thesis aims to explore China factor’s impact on Taiwanese Entertainers’ and Influencers` speech censorship, self-censorship and confession. Based on the experiences in Taiwan’s entertainment industry from the 1980s to 2021, this thesis lists around 90 cases of speech censorship, self-censorship, and confession of Taiwanese artists and Internet celebrities. The following are some points worth exploring. First, the year 2000 was a watershed of political censorship. There was only one case before 2000, and the instances gradually increased afterward. Second, the number of confession cases increased after 2020. The number of cases within the two years is close to the sum of the cases before 2020. Third, Little Pink has gradually become one of the sources forcing Taiwanese entertainers to express their position. Fourth, compared to traditional entertainers, it seems that online influencers do not need to care about the pressure of political censorship so much. This thesis, in light of economic nationalism, seeks to explain the phenomenon above with the concepts of mercantilism, authoritarian developmentalism, and cyber nationalism. The main findings are the following. First, China’s mercantilist entertainment policies were why more Taiwanese entertainers were forced to censor themselves and express their position since 2000. Since 2000, protectionism has emerged in China’s entertainment industry, and relevant policies have turned to import substitution. Thus, China no longer relied on foreign film entertainment products and started to impose pressure on Taiwan. Second, China’s authoritarian developmental media policies forced more Taiwanese entertainers to express their position after 2020. In 2020, the Chinese government tacitly recognized a hidden rule called “10 Years Political Correctness,” ensuring Taiwanese entertainers obediently play the role of the media that Chinese officials expect. Third, cyber nationalism has matured daily based on government-led economic nationalism. As a result, Little Pink began to play a more critical role in the case of political censorship. Similar to the development of authoritarian developmentalism, cyber nationalism has forced more Taiwanese entertainers to express their position. Lastly, online influencers have more compressive strength and autonomy than traditional entertainers because traditional entertainers see China as a market and a host country for production factors to be invested in; in contrast, many online influencers view China simply as a potential market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 105261002 |
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