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Title: | 在墮落的世界尋求救贖: 論尼采哲學中的類基督教敘事 Fall, Redemption and the Human Condition: On the quasi-Christian Narrative in Nietzsche’s Philosophy |
Authors: | 吳政諭 Wu, Cheng-Yu |
Contributors: | 葉浩 吳政諭 Wu, Cheng-Yu |
Keywords: | 救贖論 美學形上學 求力意志 系譜學 耶穌 永劫回歸 Soteriology Aesthetic metaphysics Will to power Genealogy Jesus Eternal recurrence |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:41:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 一個普遍存在於對尼采哲學的理解的共識似乎是:在「上帝已死」的世界,如何創造肯定人自身及其身處世界的價值;基督教不僅是已被遺棄的信仰,連帶與其關聯的思想,都應被丟棄。自此,基督教成了尼采哲學中最主要的敵人,無論是其思想上終其一生的對手--柏拉圖、康德、叔本華等,或是其生命中不斷與之角力的對象--華格納、尼采的母親和妹妹等,至終都可被化約為某些基督教精神的側面。即便基督教在尼采的思想中佔據顯著的份量,卻被多數論者僅視作某種約定俗成的概念,似乎僅憑對其概括式的理解,便可將尼采一生與之戰鬥的敵手趕下舞台,而無神論的學者們成為台上唯一的舞者,在尼采的思想中生硬的起舞。如同「上帝已死」的預言所示:是瘋子宣告了「上帝已死」,而在市場遊蕩行走的現代人對這一宣告毫無反應:瘋子為了你我的日常而大驚小怪,彷彿牛頓為了一顆從樹上掉落的蘋果而驚奇不已。
本文採取詮釋尼采的路徑將一反上述「去基督教」或「去宗教」的解讀,除了呈現尼采對基督教思想的挪用、轉化,甚至賦予其新解;更重要的是,藉由墮落與救贖敘事的呈現,論證尼采的思想表面上雖是反基督教,但實際上仍舊未跳脫出基督教的思想。本文將論證,尼采的哲學本質上仍是作為基督教思想的一種展現形式並回應在該思想中核心的問題意識:人的墮落與救贖的可能。本文將以此墮落與救贖的敘事版本為切入點,呈現尼采回應救贖論的不同面向,藉以呈現其哲學與基督教思想的多重對話關係。第一個面向體現為,以尼采在《悲劇的誕生》中發展「美學形上學」的概念為主,藉由重構阿波羅(日神)式的藝術與戴奧尼索斯(酒神)式的藝術及其聯繫,體現尼采將主體觀看藝術的過程理解為與「太一」融合,並藉由觀者體現「孩童嬉戲」的隱喻,論證此層面尼采所發展出的救贖論範式。第二個面向體現尼采對「自然」以及將「自我」視為創造的對象的理解。藉由對求力意志的建構,同時將其視為對自然內在規律的形上學式的說明,及以此為基礎進一步體現尼采是如何透過「求力之意志」的建構,同時將自然轉化為形上學的實在與作為價值的根據。其次,本部分將與尼采強調對自我陶冶的美學技藝,論證價值創造應用的第二個層面。就此層面而言,尼采將「園藝」視為陶冶自我「第二性」的美學技藝,此亦同時作為「求力之意志」聯結自然與價值領域的體現。而尼采藉由詮釋自然而轉化自然的觀點,同樣與救贖論具有相互對照之處。第三個面向體現為尼采以系譜學的方法,將基督教的精神世界視為墮落的主要根源,本文也據此歸結出尼采建構的救贖途徑,藉由尼采對耶穌的行動的價值重估所呈現其愛命運的意義,以及以「永劫回歸」作為對基督教墮落精神——以「憎恨」為核心,的回應與超越,建構尼采出自「意願過去」的弔詭宣告,作為重建使人從基督教的精神中解放的途徑。 It seems natural to ignore the concept of Christianity when interpreting Nietzsche’s thought, since it has functioned in Nietzsche’s thinking as the object of critique which should be overcome. But paradoxically, Nietzsche had not disregarded the concept as subordinated to his positive philosophical projects either by pass it like much of Nietzsche’s scholars consciously do. In this thesis, I will argue that it is pivotal to understand Nietzsche’s philosophy without dismissing his understanding of Christian (or Judaeo-Christian) thoughts, furthermore, it is also critical to see how Nietzsche had constructed his philosophy in terms of parodying, criticising, and transforming Christian thoughts. To disentangle and explore how the concept of Christian thoughts function in Nietzsche’s thinking, the thesis will argue that the antithesis Nietzsche took it has a specific contour, and much of Nietzsche’s critique has focused on the Christian concept of ‘soteriology’. In order to give detailed account of how Nietzsche constructed this idea of Christianity and how it effects on Nietzsche’s philosophical project, I will present three perspectives inherent in Nietzsche’s thinking as responding to soteriological problematic concerns: his aesthetic metaphysics, his revaluation of naturalised account of will to power, and his aesthetic understanding of cultivating the self. Through these three modules we could see how the specific conception of Christianity function in Nietzsche’s thought; and more importantly, it prepares the ground for us to understand how his own positive philosophical projects, such as his genealogical studies, his idea of amor fati and eternal recurrence will shed the new light if we link these concepts to his later revaluations of Jesus and the whole Judaeo-Christian history. |
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中文博碩士論文:(按作者姓氏筆劃數排列) 黃子軒 (2008)。尼采在《敵基督者》中的耶穌學策略〔未出版之碩士論文〕。中原大學宗教研究所。指導教授:曾慶豹。 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/md494d |
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