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    Title: 消息來源與媒體認知差距:進口美國豬肉新聞產製分析
    The News Analysis of Importing US Pork with Ractopamine: Cognitive Gap Between Attribution of Source and Media
    Authors: 楊凱棻
    Yang, Kai-Fen
    Contributors: 鄭自隆
    Cheng, Tzu-Leong
    Yang, Kai-Fen
    Keywords: 美國豬肉進口
    Attribution of source
    Import US pork
    News value
    Risk communication
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:40:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本研究係以2020年台灣政府宣布開放進口可能含有萊克多巴胺瘦肉精的美國豬肉為個案,探討分屬不同立場消息來源(中央、地方政府)、不同立場媒體(《聯合報》、《中國時報》及《自由時報》)之新聞稿與報導,在意識形態、風險溝通與新聞價值之差異。



      從研究發現,事件客觀存在為社會真實(social reality),但消息來源會以意識形態來形塑新聞稿,並以之提供媒體,媒體再以扈從消息來源的意識形態價值,作為守門(gatekeeping)基準來型塑媒介真實(media reality),民眾則會以自己的需求,形成選擇性理解(selective perception)以建構主觀真實(subjective reality),2021年12月18日舉行的反萊豬公投數據就是民眾主觀真實的呈現。
      This study is based on the Taiwan government’s announcement in 2020 to open the import of American pork that may contain ractopamine as a case, and explores the sources of information (central government, local government) and media ("United Daily News", "China Times", and "Liberty Times") press releases and reports, the difference in ideology, risk communication and news value.  The research method adopts textual analysis, and the analysis topics are "The central government sets the safe allowable standard of ractopamine", "The central and local response to import measures", "Import shock protects the rights and interests of pig farmers", and "American pork is prohibited from entering schools".
      The study found that ideology is the main element of the dominant reporting orientation, and the tool, class, and relative independence are the entry points to deal with press releases or reports. The interaction between the media and the sources of information is partial or complete overlap, which seems to show a relationship of subordination and dependence. There is no difference between risk communication and the consideration of news value, regardless of the processing of news releases or reports by news sources or media.
      It is found from the research that the objective existence of events is social reality, but the news source will shape the press release with ideology and provide the media with it. The media will shape the media reality with the ideological value of following the news source as the gatekeeping benchmark, and the people will shape the media reality with their own needs, To form selective perception to construct subjective reality, the data of the anti American pork referendum held on December 18, 2021 is the presentation of people`s subjective reality.
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