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    Title: 人民幣國際化挑戰美元霸權- 以霸權穩定理論進行檢視
    The RMB Internationalization Challenges the Dollar Hegemony- An Examination of the Hegemonic Stability Theory
    Authors: 謝承宏
    Hsieh, Chen-Hung
    Contributors: 張文揚
    Chang, Wen-Yang
    Hsieh, Chen-Hung
    Keywords: 人民幣國際化
    RMB Internationalization
    US dollar hegemony
    The theory of hegemonic stability
    International public goods
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:38:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 透過歷史可觀察到國際貨幣體系變遷與世界權力格局演變具相關性,興起中的強權中國能否透過國家政策,達到人民幣國際化甚至挑戰美國美元霸權為本文研究動機。本文目的為以霸權穩定理論,檢視美元霸權是否受到動搖以及中國是否能成為國際公共財的提供者。此外,探討人民幣國際化的走向,並以人民幣數位化為案例,分析對於人民幣國際化及美元霸權的影響。本文研究發現雖然中國成為經濟大國,然而美國仍是國際公共財的主要提供者,維持全球金融穩定。而現階段數位人民幣對人民幣國際化尚無幫助,中國政府必須致力於金融發展才有助於人民幣國際化。
    Through history, we could observe that changes in the international monetary system are related to the evolution of world power patterns. The motivation of this paper is to examine whether the emerging powerful China can achieve the RMB internationalization and even challenge the US dollar hegemony through national policies. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the hegemony of the U.S. dollar has been shaken and whether China could become a provider of international public goods by using the theory of hegemonic stability. In addition, the focus is on China`s progress in RMB internationalization, and the impact on the RMB internationalization and the US dollar hegemony are examined with the case of the e-CNY. This paper finds that although China has become a major economic power, the United States is still the main provider of public goods to maintain global financial stability. At this stage, e-CNY does not spur the RMB internationalization, and the Chinese government must focus on financial development to achieve the RMB internationalization.
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