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Title: | 基於內容偏好圖卷積網路之完全冷啟動推薦演算法 Improving Complete Cold-Start Recommendation via Content-based Preference Graph Convolution Networks |
Authors: | 王韋勝 Wang, Wei-Sheng |
Contributors: | 蔡銘峰 Tsai, Ming-Feng 王韋勝 Wang, Wei-Sheng |
Keywords: | 推薦系統 冷起動推薦 圖學習表示法 Graph Representation Recommender System Cold-Start Recommendation |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:37:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 傳統的混合推薦系統旨在結合協同過濾和內容過濾兩種方式進行推 薦,利用使用者喜好資訊和過去互動過的商品內容資訊來解決資料稀 疏性問題和冷啟動問題。但是,在現實世界中,經常因為產品的性質 讓使用者和產品的互動資料相當稀少或是缺少這些資料,從而導致了 完全冷啟動(Complete Cold Start, CCS)問題,如新聞推薦和新活動推 薦,這是傳統的混合模型無法解決的。 在本文中,我們提出了偏好內容卷積(Preference Content Convolu- tion, PCC)方法,這是一種基於圖卷積網絡(Graph Convolution Net- work, GCN)的圖學習表示方法,該方法可在接受缺失資料的前提下 同時抽取使用者對內容的喜好特徵並結合內容資訊,進而針對冷啟動 問題進行推薦。我們在現實世界中的線上售票服務資料集和圖書資料 集上進行的實驗驗證此方法,其性能優於其他傳統基於內容過濾的方 法和沒有卷積網路的混合模型,為基於卷積網路的模型指出了一個方 向。 Conventional hybrid recommender system aims to address the data spar- sity problem and the cold start problem by leveraging collaborative and content- based filtering, simultaneously leveraging the precious user preference infor- mation and staple item content information. However, in many real-world scenarios, such as news and new event recommendations, the nature of items dictates the complete lack of user-item interaction, leading to the complete cold start (CCS) problem, which traditional hybrid models cannot solve. In this paper, we propose preference-content convolution (PCC), a con- volutional graph network (GCN) based embedding learning method which jointly captures item content information and user preference over item con- tent. The experiments conducted on the real-world online ticket vending service dataset and news recommendation dataset show that the proposed method significantly outperforms traditional content-based filtering methods and hybrid models without convolution, signifying a promising direction for using the convolution-based model in addressing the CCS problem. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學系 109753110 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109753110 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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