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Title: | 生態系競爭策略之個案探討 A Case Study on the Competitive Strategy of Business Ecosystem |
Authors: | 施佩妏 Shih, Pei-Wen |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi-Chia 施佩妏 Shih, Pei-Wen |
Keywords: | 生態系 競爭策略 生態系競爭策略 超級App Business ecosystem Competitive strategy Competitive strategy of business ecosystem Super App |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:34:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Super App如中國的微信、東南亞的Grab、美國的Apple與Google等等企業已逐漸佔據全球用戶的螢幕使用時間,這些企業皆是藉由發展自身的生態圈,讓用戶只需要一個App就能完成各式生活需求。全球知名咨詢的公司EY及BCG的調查與統計都指出未來商業模式中,生態系成員以及生態系所帶來的收入將會成為企業成功與否的關鍵。跨越產業疆界的生態系商業模式顯然已是現今多數企業不得不面對的議題,但是對於台灣企業而言如何建立以及擴張生態系仍是一個難題,故本研究將台灣代表性的Super App-LINE Taiwan作為個案,剖析其如何實現其價值主張以及其生態系建立與擴張的方法,並期望能成為其他企業的參考。
本研究發現LINE Taiwan在其成長過程中先是滿足個人用戶通訊與娛樂需求,累積一定流量後再引入具有曝光需求的企業用戶,接著圍繞個人用戶需求發展購物、金融支付等等服務,更進一步推出點數回饋模式,提升個人用戶在LINE Taiwan生態系的黏著度,後再深化各領域的服務內容,鞏固生態系的完整性。此外,為了持續吸引合作夥伴發展新領域服務,作為生態系中心廠商的LINE Taiwan也積極推出各式商務工具作為誘因,以實現「Life on LINE」之價值主張。透過隆.艾德納(Ron Adner)理論架構來觀察其發展的過程,可看出LINE Taiwan的成長是建立在MVE、階段性規劃與傳遞效應之上,先以通訊為核心建立MVE(最低可行生態系)吸引個人用戶證明其價值,引入互補者,並在此基礎上發展其他領域的服務以及點數回饋機制與新創培育計畫,以用戶流量、點數回饋機制以及新創培育計畫作為發展新服務的根基,形成LINE Taiwan生態系的成長模式。 Super Apps such as WeChat in China, Grab in Southeast Asia, Apple and Google in the United States have gradually occupied the screen time of global users. These companies have developed their own business ecosystems to make users only need one App to complete various living needs. The surveys and statistics of the world-renowned consulting companies EY and BCG pointed out that in the future business model, the business ecosystem members and the income brought by the business ecosystem will become the key success factors of the enterprise. The business model of a business ecosystem, which breaks the traditional industry boundaries, has obviously become an issue that companies have to face today, but how to establish and expand a business ecosystem is still a challenge for companies in Taiwan. Therefore, this study took Taiwan’s representative Super App-LINE Taiwan as a case study to analyze how it realized its value proposition and the strategy of establishing and expanding its business ecosystem, and hoped the study could be a reference for companies in Taiwan.
This study found that LINE Taiwan first met the communication and entertainment needs of individual users during its growth process, and then introduced corporate users with exposure needs after accumulating a certain amount of traffic. The points redemption scheme enhanced the stickiness of individual users in the LINE Taiwan ecosystem, and then LINE Taiwan deepened the service content in various fields to consolidate the integrity of the ecosystem. In addition, in order to continue to attract partners to develop services in new fields, LINE Taiwan, as the core firm of the ecosystem, was also actively launching various business tools as incentives to realize the value proposition of "Life on LINE".
Observing its development process through the theoretical framework established by Ron Adner, the growth of LINE Taiwan was based on MVE (Minimum Viable Ecosystem), Staged Expansion and Ecosystem Carryover. MVE of LINE Taiwan was established with communication function to attract individual users and prove its value. After the value of MVE was proved, LINE Taiwan introduced corporate users and other partners into its business ecosystem to develop services in other fields, points redemption scheme, and start-up cultivation programs. Individual user traffic, points redemption scheme and start-up cultivation programs became the foundation for developing new services of the business ecosystem. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 109363084 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363084 |
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