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    Title: 科技巨頭資料分享議題—競爭與資料隱私之衝突與調和
    Big Techs‘ data sharing issues - conflict and harmonization between competition and data privacy
    Authors: 陳彥丞
    Chen, Yen-Chen
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Sung, Huang-Chih
    Chen, Yen-Chen
    Keywords: 科技巨頭
    Digital economy
    Digital platform
    Big data
    Competition law
    Data privacy
    Personal data
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:32:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著資通訊科技的快速發展,數位經濟開始主導全球的經濟活動,而科技巨頭們,如Facebook、Amazon、Apple、Google,在數位市場中,大多皆以數位平台的方式來開展其商業模式,科技巨頭們不斷地提供創造新的商業模式,不僅滿足消費者們原有的各式需求,甚至是創造出新的需求,數位平台在當代社會中,已滲透到人們社會生活的各個角落,使人們與科技巨頭互相交織而密不可分。
    With the rapid development of information and communication technology, the digital economy has become dominator in global economy. The BigTechs, such as Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google, in the digital market, most of them use digital platforms to carry out their innovative business models. The BigTechs continue to provide and create unprecedented business models, not only to meet the original demands of consumers, but even to create new demands. In contemporary society, digital platforms have penetrated into every corner of people`s life, making people and unprecedented are inextricably intertwined.
    However, The BigTechs have also begun to use their market power or monopoly power to prevent their competitors from obtaining data on their platforms. The responsibility of the competition law, and then analyze whether it is possible to share data with the The BigTechs to competitors, so as to achieve the purpose of restoring the level of competition. On the other hand, the data sharing obligation also involves the issue of data privacy, so this article will further discuss the related controversies of data privacy.
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