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    Title: 建構金融監理國際協作框架—以現行架構再思考
    Constructing an International Cooperation Framework for Financial Supervision — Rethinking the Current Governance Architecture
    Authors: 周映彤
    Chou, Ying-Tung
    Contributors: 臧正運
    Tsang, Cheng-Yun
    Chou, Ying-Tung
    Keywords: 金融監理國際協作框架
    International cooperation framework for financial supervision
    Soft law
    History of international finance
    Financial globalization
    Systemic risk
    Challenges of Fintech
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:31:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著時代的演進,全球化、科技的發展使金融市場成為無國界、緊密連結的網絡,雖然對於投資人、用戶非常方便,惟如果一國的市場有了動盪,便會快速影響到世界各地,從危機中便可以看到全球化下,系統性風險的問題,並加上金融科技的發展進入3.0的時代,金融交易更不侷限地理疆界中,且各國監理密度不一也會造成監理競爭與套利,如因某地的寬鬆政策吸引高風險交易,所產生的問題將由全球承擔,種種對於傳統上以國內為主之監理造成挑戰,普及與眾多的跨境交易有必要在全球範圍進行監理,而需要國際間共同討論,建立跨境金融監理協作之方案。
    With the evolution of the epoch, globalization and the development of technology have made the financial market a network without borders and tightly connected. Although the market is very convenient for investors and users, if there is market turmoil in one country, it can quickly affect the whole world, and we can see the problem of systemic risk under globalization from multiple financial crises. And coupled with the development of fintech, financial transactions are not limited to geographic boundaries, and the density of supervision in different countries will also cause regulatory arbitrage and competition, such as the relaxed policy of a place to attract high-risk transactions, the resulting problems will be borne by the global community. Various issues pose challenges to traditional domestic-based supervision. Many cross-border transactions need to be regulated globally, and international discussions are needed to establish an international cooperation framework for financial supervision.
    Observing that the current framework is composed of the transnational regulatory networks, the overall regulation is based on non-legally binding soft law, which can respond to the fast-changing features of the financial market and can also serve as a de facto binding force. However, after facing several crises and reforms, the essential problems of the current framework have been exposed. Additionally, the political, social, economic, and technological environment in recent years has forced the current framework to reform and move toward a new stage of international financial supervision.
    This thesis selects four options to explore the possibility of constructing a new framework. Ultimately, the regulatory network and international law are used to construct an international cooperation framework for financial supervision. After further argument, it was found that the framework should consider two major factors: "flexibility of regulation" and "binding effect of regulation," and therefore responded to the two major considerations by "revising the current regulatory network" and "establishing an international financial supervisory organization" respectively. In conclusion, the framework for international cooperation for financial supervision is composed of a flexible regulatory network responsible for setting norms and defining the level of importance of regulations, and an international financial supervisory organization with stability as a judicial unit responsible for setting penalties and enforcing sanctions. This thesis hopes that through the complementarity of the regulatory network and international financial supervisory organizations, it proposes a direction for future reform of the international cooperation framework for financial supervision.
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    12. The Washington Post, Trump likely to announce curbs on funding for World Health Organization this week, available at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-world-health-organization-funding/2020/04/12/c3bb53f8-7d0c-11ea-a3ee-13e1ae0a3571_story.html.
    13. The White House, FACT SHEET: The Biden Administration’s Commitment to Global Health, available at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/02/02/fact-sheet-the-biden-administrations-commitment-to-global-health/
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109651008
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