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Title: | 我國密碼資產洗錢防制法制之研究 A Study on the Anti-Money Laundering of Crypto-assets in Taiwan |
Authors: | 劉曜暉 |
Contributors: | 臧正運 劉曜暉 |
Keywords: | 密碼資產 加密貨幣 虛擬通貨 虛擬資產 洗錢防制 反洗錢 旅行規則 Crypto-asset Cryptocurrency Virtual asset Virtual currency Anti-money laundering AML Travel rule |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:30:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2008年,一名自稱中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)之人發表「比特幣:一種對等式的電子現金系統(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)」之論文,比特幣運用分散式帳本技術與密碼學,利用公開帳本中各節點間之信任機制,打造無須中介信任機構之點對點交易系統,開創以分散式帳本技術為基礎之密碼資產時代,降低對中介信任機構之依賴,以實現成本低廉且快速之支付模式,此後以分散式帳本技術為基礎之以太幣、泰達幣等密碼資產亦逐漸興起。然而,基於密碼資產之底層技術,打破既有資金流通之限制,亦即,密碼資產得不經由金融機構等中介機構,以假名方式將資金於全球流通,因此,密碼資產具有去中心化特性、假名性與跨域性,使得非法資金得以密碼資產作為載體,不著痕跡地流竄於全球,突破既有洗錢之框架,成為新興之洗錢手段。 我國於2018年於洗錢防制法第5條第2項增訂「虛擬通貨平台及交易業務之事業」作為洗錢防制義務主體,適用金融機構之洗錢防制規定,嗣金融監督管理委員會於2021年6月30日發布「虛擬通貨平台及交易業務事業防制洗錢及打擊資恐辦法」詳細規範我國虛擬通貨應踐行之洗錢防制措施,為求完善我國密碼資產之洗錢防制,本文遂參諸FATF、美國與歐盟所提出對密碼資產洗錢防制之立法例,再觀察我國前揭立法例,我國應考慮擴張虛擬通貨之範圍至NFT等表彰特定物品或權利之類型,以及對「虛擬通貨平台及交易業務事業」之定義應更為明確,盡速建立註冊登記制度以及Travel Rule規定相關資料傳輸格式,並須隨虛擬通貨之特性細緻化確認客戶身分措施、可疑交易申報等洗錢防制義務。整體而言,我國對虛擬通貨相關事業之立法仍採行中心化機構為主之立法模式,應考量虛擬通貨相關事業不同之商業模式細緻化所規範之義務主體及洗錢防制措施,以完善我國密碼資產之洗錢防制法制,接軌FATF所定之國際標準。 A person named Satoshi Nakamoto published an essay titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” in 2008. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer trading system based on distributed ledger technology(DLT)and cryptography to immediately and inexpensively execute transactions without intermediary institutions. Other crypto-assets such as Ether or USDT have been emerging gradually since then. Because of the characteristics of decentralization, pseudonym and cross-border crypto-assets, crypto-assets have been a means of money laundering and terrorist financing. The anti-money laundering(AML) laws in Taiwan have been revised the obliged entity to include “Enterprises Handling Virtual Currency Platform or Transaction” in 2018, and the Financial Supervisory Commission ROC (Taiwan) promulgated “Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism for Enterprises Handling Virtual Currency Platform or Transaction” on June 30, 2021. To improve the aforementioned legislation, This thesis referred to the standard FATF established and the legislative of the AML of the crypto-assets in the US and the EU. This thesis concludes that the definition of virtual currencies should include NFT, and the definition of the Enterprises Handling Virtual Currency Platforms or Transactions should be clearer. Moreover, the AML obligation such as CDD, STR and Travel Rule should be more precisely in accordance with the characteristics and the business model of the crypto-assets, as such to improve the legislative of the AML of the crypto-assets in Taiwan and to meet the FATF’s AML standard. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651033 |
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