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Title: | 論父母懲戒權之存廢與親權濫用 A Study on the Retention or Abolition of Parental Discipline Privilege and Abuse of Parental Rights |
Authors: | 朱怡瑄 Jhu, Yi-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 戴瑀如 Tai, Yu-Zu 朱怡瑄 Jhu, Yi-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 兒童權利公約 父母懲戒權 民法第1085條 親權濫用 停止親權 體罰 兒童虐待 體罰禁令 Convention of the Right of Children(CRC) Parental discipline privilege Article 1085 of civil code Abuse of parental rights Declaration of suspension of parental rights Corporal punishment Child abuse Ban of corporal punishment |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:30:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據衛福部的統計,兒童虐待事件中的施虐者,以父母佔最多數,而在施虐的因素統計方面,以缺乏親職教育知識及習於體罰或不當管教為主因,是以父母的懲戒權行使,往往才是兒童身心遭受侵害的主要緣由。作為父母得體罰子女之主要根據,為民法第1085條之父母懲戒權,該權利僅以父母得在「必要範圍」內懲戒其子女一語含糊帶過,然究竟何謂必要範圍?其具體的意義將決定父母行為之合法與否,倘若不適法,則可能構成民事上之侵權行為、親權濫用,並有依個案情事成立刑事罪名之空間。從而針對本條,本文擬聚焦在合理管教與過當體罰甚至虐待兩者之分野,以及實務上在判定合理範圍的因素與標準,除此之外,本文亦將以親子法的角度,觀察實務上針對此等過當之懲戒行為,進一步以職權停止親權之情形是否普遍。
放眼國際,美國法對於父母懲戒權規範有十分具體之描繪。故本文乃以美國法作為比較法研究的素材,不僅歸納美國聯邦法與州法上之立法型態,亦詳加探討各型態的代表法規,期能藉美國法之分析與比較,為我國父母懲戒權之修法提供借鏡。此外,在濫用懲戒權之處理上,美國法亦設有相應之規定,包含類似於我國之停止親權制度,而其實務對此之運用與評估的標準,相較於我國又有哪些差異與可資學習之處?末者,在兒童權利公約的要求下,禁止對兒童施加一切形式暴力,為公約與聯合國兒童權利委員會念茲在茲的要務,是以體罰作為父母行使親權之手段之一,其適法性實值深思。在歐洲數國禁止家中體罰多年後,日韓等鄰近之東亞國家亦相繼廢除合理體罰之抗辯事由,而我國作為一個將兒童權利公約內國法化的國家,與其在父母懲戒權之規定上精雕細琢,應思考者,毋寧是要否在根本上廢除此權之問題。故而結論上,本文將側重於父母懲戒權存廢之分析與評估,希冀藉由比較法上之事例,以及頒布立法禁令後所帶來之影響,提供我國立法上可參考之思路。 Based on the statistics from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, parents are the main abuser in child abuse incidents. Furthermore, the primary reasons of abusing are out of lacking the knowledge about how to educate and getting used to impose corporal punishment. Therefore, more often than not, exercising of parenting discipline privilege is the major cause of children being infringed. As the main basis for parents to impose physical punishment, article 1085 of civil code only takes the “necessary range” as the norm. But what does the necessary range exactly mean?Its specific meaning will determine the legality of the parents’ actions. If not, it could constitute the legal liability of torts, abuse of parental rights and criminal offences which depend on individual cases. Accordingly, the thesis will be focused on distinguishing the reasonable discipline from excessive physical punishment or even the child abuse. Besides, the factors and standards for determining reasonable discipline in practice are going to be discussed as well. Furthermore, the thesis will be aimed at whether the application of Declaration of suspension of parental rights widespread or not, in the perspective of parent-child law.
Take a broad view, American laws have particular description of Parent’s Discipline Privilege. Therefore, the article chooses U.S. law as the material for comparative law research. It will not only summarize the legislative patterns of federal laws and state laws in the United States but further discuss various types of representative regulations, hoping to provide a wild field of vision by analyzing and comparing the American law. Moreover, there are also some corresponding provisions for abusing the parental discipline privilege in United States, including the termination of parental right which is similar to the Declaration of suspension of parental rights in Taiwan. Plus, this paper will also mention about what are the differences between us and what can we learned from the standard of its application and evaluation. Last of all, under the request of the Convention of the Right of Children(CRC), prohibiting of all forms of violence against children is the priority of the CRC and the UN Committee on the Right of the child. Consequently, its legality is worth pondering as the corporal punishment to be a means of exercising the parental rights. After years of banning corporal punishment at home in several European countries, Japan, Korea and other neighboring East Asian countries have also abolished the defense of reasonable corporal punishment. As a country that has domesticated the CRC, dedicating to ponder the regulations of parental discipline privilege rather than considering the question of whether to abolish this privilege fundamentally. Therefore, in conclusion, the thesis will place emphasis on the analysis and assessment of the retention or abolition of the privilege, looking forward to provide a reference with legislation by several examples of comparative law and the influence which brought by the ban of corporal punishment. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651004 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651004 |
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