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    Title: 支付卡系統發展之研究—以俄羅斯MIR卡和中國銀聯卡為例
    A Study on the Development of Payment Card System: The Cases of Russian MIR Card and Chinese UnionPay Card
    Authors: 廖子誠
    Liao, Tzu-Cheng
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Liao, Tzu-Cheng
    Keywords: 俄羅斯
    Payment Card System
    MIR Card
    UnionPay Card
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:26:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球支付市場蓬勃發展,支付卡系統在非現金結算系統中扮演著越來越重要的角色。各國紛紛創建屬於自己國家的支付卡系統,透過現代支付系統保障交易的獨立性與安全性,並降低交易成本。
    The prosperity of the global payment market has attached increasing weight to the payment card system, which is a type of noncash payment system. Countries worldwide have started to construct their own payment card systems. Such contemporary systems ensures the independence and security of transactions and reduces transaction costs.
    This study focused on the Mir and UnionPay payment card systems in Russia and China, respectively. These systems were selected because both countries practice communism and thus exhibit similar political and economic conditions. Accordingly, the payment care systems have undergone development in similar backgrounds. The two countries develop their own payment card systems to ensure the security of their national payment systems and reduce the reliance on technological development in Western countries.
    The study first explored the evolution of the payment card systems in China and Russia, analyzed the environment of these systems, and examined the business strategies adopted by the systems. Next, political–economic–social–technological analysis was conducted to investigate the development of two systems in the payment card market and their approaches to enhancing brand competitiveness; in addition, comparisons were made on their strategies in operational development, product development, innovative payment, and brand services. The results indicated that the Mir payment card system has enhanced the stability of Russia’s payment system, reduced consumer costs, and promoted its international collaborations in the payment industry. The UnionPay payment card system has secured an advantageous position in industries by helping Chinese businesses strengthen their competitiveness. It has also improved its level of internationalization by expanding the network of overseas businesses accepting UnionPay payment. The two payment systems also engage in collaboration to create mutually beneficial situations.
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