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    Title: 探討CBT-I結合心跳變異率生理回饋介入失眠疾患之療效
    Treatment efficacy of CBT-I combined with HRV Biofeedback for insomnia disorder
    Authors: 林允凱
    Lin, Yun-Kai
    Contributors: 楊建銘
    Yang, Chien-Ming
    Lin, Yun-Kai
    Keywords: 失眠認知行為治療
    Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia
    Heart rate variability biofeedback
    Randomized clinical trial
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:24:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究背景與目的:失眠認知行為治療 (cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT-I]) 被證實能有效改善失眠,但研究顯示仍有部分患者沒有良好的療效反應。本研究以提升CBT-I療效為目標,探討以下問題:(1) 失眠患者具有自主神經系統 (autonomic nervous system [ANS]) 過度激發的現象,但目前CBT-I中較缺乏直接針對改善ANS的介入成分,故本研究欲探討CBT-I結合以訓練ANS功能為目標的心跳變異率生理回饋 (heart rate variability biofeedback [HRV-BF]) 在失眠疾患上的療效。(2) 過往研究指出CBT-I治療依從性及睡眠自我效能可以預測患者的失眠嚴重度,但目前研究較少探討睡眠自我效能與依從性兩者的關聯性,因此,本研究欲針對睡眠自我效能、治療依從性與失眠嚴重度三者的關聯性作進一步探討。

    研究方法:本研究將37位失眠患者隨機分派到CBT-I組 (CBT-I,N = 18) 或結合CBT-I與HRV-BF (CBT-I+BF,N = 19) 的組別,接受七週的個別治療,在治療前後測量失眠嚴重度、睡前激發狀態、睡眠自我效能及其他睡眠參數與生理指標,並治療後三個月追蹤的失眠嚴重度及睡眠自我效能。本研究以CBT-I行為技術執行程度及治療師主觀評分為依從性指標,並分析其與睡眠自我效能及失眠嚴重度的關聯性。


    Objectives: Although the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) has been well documented, there is still room for improvement given that some patients do not respond well to the treatment. The current study aims to improve the efficacy of CBT-I with the following objectives: (1) Since the skills of CBT-I do not target directly on reducing patients’ autonomic nervous system (ANS) hyperarousal, the current study aims to exam whether combining CBT-I with heart rate variability biofeedback (HRV-BF) to reduce ANS arousal can enhance the treatment effect. (2) Previous studies suggested that CBT-I treatment adherence and self-efficacy of sleep could predict post-treatment insomnia severity, but the relationship between self-efficacy of sleep and adherence has not been well studied. Therefore, the current study try to explore the relationship between self-efficacy of sleep, adherence, and insomnia severity.

    Method: 37 patients with insomnia disorder were randomly assigned to a CBT-I group (N = 18), in which participants received seven sessions of CBT-I treatment, or a CBT-I+BF group (N = 19), in which participants received CBT-I combined with HRV-BF. Participants completed a package of self-rating scales, including Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale (PSAS), and Self-efficacy of Sleep scale (SE-S) at baseline, in-treatment, and post-treatment. ISI and SE-S were also measure at 3-month follow-up. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), sleep parameters derived from patient-reported sleep diary, and HRV indicators were measured at baseline and post treatment. Treatment adherence was rated by therapist weekly according to the particiapnts’ degree of homework completion, and measured by adherence to behavioral strategies (ABS) derived from patient-reported sleep diary. The correlation between treatment adherence, SE-S, and ISI was examined.

    Results: Both groups showed significant improvement on all self-report scales and most sleep parameters after treatment. No significant group differences were found. CBT-I+BF showed significantly better ANS function balance at post-treatment, and a higher remission rate (ISI<8) at 3-month follow-up. SE-S, treatment adherence, and changes in ISI were positively correlated. SE-S predicted greater therapist-rated adherence as well as greater ISI reduction from baseline to post-treatment, while therapist-rated adherence also predicted greater ISI reduction from baseline to post-treatment.

    Conclusions: Both CBT-I alone and CBT-I combining with HRV-BF showed promising treatment effect, while the combined treatment showed better ANS improvement and better treatment effect maintenance. Future studies should further investigate the characteristics of patients that can be use to identfify those patients who may benefit from the combined treatment. In addition, CBT-I therapists should pay more attention to enhance patients` self-efficacy to promote better CBT-I treatment effects.
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