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    Title: 台灣全民健康保險制度下癌症照護轉型為價值醫療的策略:以S醫院乳癌照護為例
    A Strategy for Transforming Cancer Care into Value-based Medicine under Taiwan`s National Health Insurance System: Breast Cancer Care at Hospital S
    Authors: 邱倫瑋
    Chiou, Lun-Wei
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Sung, Huang-Chih
    Chiou, Lun-Wei
    Keywords: 價值醫療
    Value-based health care
    Pay for performance
    Bundled payment
    Breast cancer care
    Time-driven activity-based costing
    Strategic Matrix Analysis
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:20:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 健康照護體系面臨費用快速高漲與品質差距過大的問題,究其原因主要是醫療體系內所有的人在錯誤的層級上競爭。麥可・波特與伊莉莎白・泰絲柏格提出以價值為基礎的醫療照護,定義價值是每花一塊錢可以得到的健康結果,鼓勵醫療照護體系追求卓越的結果,降低系統的成本,協助病人創造最大的價值,達成健康照護的改革。



    The health care system faces problems with rapidly rising costs and disparities in quality, largely because stakeholders in the system are competing at the wrong level. Michael Porter and Elizabeth Teisberg propose value-based health care and defines value as the health outcomes achieved per dollar spent. He encourages all medical professionals to pursue excellent outcome and reduce the cost, further, to create value for patients and facilitate the health care reform.

    Under National Health Insurance’s compulsory enrollment system, it not only provides the citizen’s basic health, but also ensures patients not being driven into poverty by medical bills. In the face of high costs and inconsistent quality, the design of the single insurer system does not make health care reform easier than in other countries. Porter and Thomas Lee proposed six strategic agenda to move towards value-based health care. This study conducted a literature review, data collection and questionnaire designed with reference to the six strategic agenda. The core members of the breast cancer multidisciplinary team at Hospital S were targeted to collect opinions. Based on the opinions and breast cancer care’s advantages and disadvantages at Hospital S by Seetoo’s 6-dimention strategy analysis and Strategic Metrix Analysis, a strategic planning is proposed to gain competition for the team and, taking it as a model, for transforming current cancer care into value-based health care in Taiwan.

    National Health Insurance Administration’s pay-for-performance plan for the treatment of breast cancer has proved that bundled payment system for a full cycle of medical care could balance quality and expenses. Medical cost must be accurate and a time-driven activity-based costing can be adopted. Hospitals should report outcomes to the public to help patients choose programs for themselves. It is better for the care team to move from traditional functional unit towards integrated practice unit, which would help both patients and medical teams move toward same goals of health care, and finally achieve value for patients. Medical information technology platform should be patient-centered and designed for data-driven and user friendly. Finally, institution needs to integrate care delivery systems, defines the scope of services, and expands geographic reach, which would make value to be substantially increased on a large scale.

    There has a foundation for the development of value-based health care under Taiwan`s National Health Insurance system. The pay-for-performance plan for breast cancer is worthy of becoming a reference model for healthcare reform.
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