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    题名: 一起建造石駁坎:探討兒童在社交虛擬實境中的合作遊玩
    Building Riprap : Exploring children’s collaborative play in social VR
    作者: 林靖洋
    Lin, Ching-Yang
    贡献者: 陳宜秀

    Chen, Yihsiu
    Tsai, Hsin-Ruey

    Lin, Ching-Yang
    关键词: 兒童
    Social VR
    Collaborative play
    Research through Design
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-03-09 18:13:25 (UTC+8)
    摘要: Social VR是一種協作式虛擬環境,它允許多位使用者透過VR頭戴式顯示器彼此溝通,並一起參與活動。這個新穎的協作虛擬環境為兒童的虛擬共同遊玩體驗提供許多新的設計機會與挑戰,然而隨著越來越多兒童開始在social VR環境與朋友社交遊玩,針對兒童在社交虛擬實境中的共同遊玩活動仍存在很大的設計研究空間。本研究使用「透過設計的研究(Research through Design, RtD)方法。我們設計一款基於民俗文化石駁坎「Building Riprap」的多人VR體驗。⽯駁坎(Riprap)是⼀⾧排⽤⽯頭堆砌成的⽯頭堆,是台灣客家⽂化的傳統建築。⽬前台灣也出現兒童建造⽯駁坎的⼯作坊,將堆⽯駁坎設計成具遊玩性的體驗,讓兒童在實作中透過與環境和同伴的互動親⾝感受客家先民合作的精神以及環境共⽣的智慧。基於堆⽯駁坎具有協作的性質,也適合作為兒童遊玩體驗的活動,我們選擇在social VR中再現兒童在現實世界中堆⽯駁坎的體驗,並觀察與紀錄兒童在體驗中所發展出的合作與遊玩活動以及他們遊玩時遇到的困難。我們的觀察發現兒童與同伴在VR發展出許多體感的合作模式以及創意的遊玩活動。然而,他們也因為VR的科技限制而在遊玩時遇到困難。根據我們的觀察,我們呼籲未來設計師「為體感合作遊玩設計」,並提出設計建議以更好的支持兒童參與有意義且安全的Social VR合作遊玩。
    Social VR refers to collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) that allow multiple VR users to communicate and engage in activities together. This revolutionary collaborative virtual environment opens up a wide range of new design possibilities and difficulties for children`s virtual play experiences. However, as more children begin to socialize and play with friends in social VR environments, there is a significant amount of design research space for collaborative play activities for children in social virtual reality. This study employed a "Research through Design" (RtD) method and created "Building Riprap," a multi-player VR experience. Riprap is a long row of stone piles. Building riprap has recently been designed as a collaborative play activity for children. Through building with their friends, children experience the spirit of cooperation and the wisdom of the environmental co-existence of the ancestors through playful interaction with the stones, environment, and peers. We recreated children`s real-world stone-piling activities in a VR environment and observed children’s cooperative and play activities during the experience, as well as the obstacles they confronted while playing. According to our observations, children and their peers in VR engaged in a variety of embodied collaborations and creative play activities. They did, however, have challenges while playing due to VR`s technological constraints. Based on our findings, we encourage future designers to "design for embodied collaborative play" and provide design implications to help youngsters engage in meaningful and safe social VR play.
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