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    Title: 二十一世紀法國與非洲關係是否為新殖民主義?以馬利和象牙海岸為例
    France – Africa Relations in the 21st Century: A form of Neo-Colonialism? The Cases of Mali and Côte d`Ivoire
    Authors: 陳慷妮
    Chen, Kang-Ni
    Contributors: 張文揚
    Chang, Wen-Yang
    Chen, Kang-Ni
    Keywords: 新殖民主義
    France – Africa Relations
    Côte d`Ivoire
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:10:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨在討論二十一世紀法國與非洲國家的關係是否為新殖民主義,目前相關研究有正反雙方論述,但作者認為須從較全面的角度,亦即同時探討軍事和經濟層面,並細分為不同面向檢視。本文研究方法以個案研究法為主,文本分析法為輔,研究對象為兩個前法國殖民地:馬利與象牙海岸,而不是非前殖民地,以便能對比法國於 1960 年代起被冠上新殖民主義時的作為,而這些作為是否於2007 年至 2017 年 - 薩科齊與歐蘭德總統任內再次出現。本文的核心主張為法國在非洲的作為,以軍事層面而言,並不具有新殖民主義的特徵,然而,經濟方面,尤其針對進出口商品的結構,以及對外援助金額之分配,仍保有新殖民主義的色彩,但非洲國家對於法國的依賴程度已大幅降低,也有較高程度的自主性,隨著時間演變,法國於非洲的勢力也將更加減退。
    This study aims to explore whether French-African relations in the 21st century can be described as neo-colonialism. Though there are two sides to this argument, the author believes that this subject must be analyzed from a more thorough point of view, considering both the military and economic aspects. These aspects are later respectively divided into three different indicators. This study mainly adopts the case study approach and uses textual analysis as a supplement. With the focus on former French colonies, including Mali and Côte d`Ivoire instead of non-French colonies, the study aims to compare and contrast France’s relations with these countries in the 1960s to distinguish whether neo-colonialist actions resurfaced from 2007 to 2017, namely during Sarkozy and Hollande’s presidential terms.
    This study argues that France’s actions in Africa, in terms of military aspects, cannot be coined as neo-colonialism. On the other hand, with regards to economic aspects, especially the main import and export products between France vis-à-vis Mali and France vis-à-vis Côte d`Ivoire, and the allocation of foreign aid, neo-colonialism is still apparent. Nonetheless, African countries have become less dependent on France throughout the years and generally enjoy a greater degree of autonomy. As time goes by, France’s influence on the continent will also gradually decrease.
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