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    Title: 三孩政策下女教師職業發展困境與出路
    Difficulties and Solutions of Female Teachers` Career Development under The Three-Child Policy
    Authors: 林舒顏
    Lin, Shu-Yan
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Lin, Shu-Yan
    Keywords: 三孩政策
    Three-child policy
    Female teachers
    Career development
    Reproductive environment
    Female career development
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:09:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,由於人口老齡化與長期低生育的影響,衍生了諸多社會發展問題,第七次人口普查數據也反映了當下嚴峻的低生育形勢問題。在此背景下,新生育政策出台,生育權利正逐步回歸家庭,但目前女性生育意願普遍較低,研究顯示無法平衡工作與生育是弱化生育意願的主要因素之一。女性作為生育的主要承擔者,職業發展黃金期和生育最佳期高度重合,如何平衡生育與職業發展之間的矛盾,仍是一大難題。而女教師作為職業女性中較容易被忽視的群體,但又在教師群體中佔有較高的比例,且伴隨著教師隊伍年輕化,育齡群體比重增加,故從女教師這一職業群體的角度分析因生育而產生的可能對職業發展有不利影響的困境實有必要。
    In recent years, many social development issues have arisen due to the effects of an aging population and chronic low fertility, and the seventh census data also reflect the serious problem of low fertility. Against this backdrop, the new fertility policy has been introduced, and fertility rights are gradually returning to the family, but women`s fertility intentions are generally low. As the main bearer of childbirth, women’s life have a high degree of overlap between the prime period of career development and the best period of childbirth, and it is still a major challenge to balance the contradiction between child-birth and career development. As female teachers are the most neglected group of pro-fessional women accounting for a higher proportion of the teaching profession and yet an increasing proportion of them is of childbearing age, it is necessary to analyze the dilemmas that may adversely affect career development due to childbirth from the per-spective of female teachers as a professional group.
    This paper adopts a combination of qualitative interviews and quantitative methods to summarize and integrate the factors affecting female teachers` career development: gender roles, organizational climate, and family support with direct effects on work en-gagement and interpersonal relationships; as well as indirect effects on career capital, motivation for self-achievement, and career development. On this basis, we conducted an empirical study on the dilemma of female teachers` career development under the three-child policy through a questionnaire survey and explored the way out. The re-search hypothesis that the increase in the number of children will affect the five aspects of female teachers` career development: work engagement, interpersonal relationship, career capital, self-fulfillment motivation, and career development was confirmed. The study also proposes suggestions from five perspectives: national, social, school, family, and individual, hoping to help implement the three-child policy and contribute to the creation of a favorable reproductive environment.
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