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    Title: 居家遠距辦公對員工心理健康的影響
    Impact of Working-from-home on Employees` Mental Health
    Authors: 黃筱凌
    Huang, Hsiao-Ling
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei-Chun
    Huang, Hsiao-Ling
    Keywords: 遠距工作
    Work from home
    Workplace mental health
    Employee well-being
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:09:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 儘管遠距工作被作為對應疫情的重要解決方案,但可能會對個人和公共健康產生負面影響,與過去研究的有別,遠距工作人口類型更多,加上封鎖警戒政策可能會導致壓力增加。且私人住宅無法確保雇主提供保護身心的措施,使居家工作者面臨身體與心理上的風險。因此,本研究欲探討居家工作的勞工可能會面臨怎樣的困境而導致其心理健康受影響。研究目的為:一、了解受疫情影響的居家工作者在家工作的情況。二、員工在辦公室工作與在家工作之身心感受有何差異。三、對居家工作者心理健康造成影響的正面與負面因素為何?
    Despite telework being an important solution during the COVID-19 pandemic, it may have negative impacts on individual and public health. Teleworkers’ populations are more diverse and lockdown policies are likely to increase stress levels. It is hard for employers to protect workers` health at home, thus risking workers’ physical and mental health. Therefore, this study aims to explore home-based workers’ health, safety challenges, and how telework affects their mental health. The research objectives are: (1) to understand the situation of home-based workers affected by the pandemic, (2) to compare the physical and mental experiences of employees working in the office and at home, and (3) to identify the positive and negative factors affecting the mental health of home-based workers.
    Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 employees who have experience with both home-based and office work. Interviewees were selected based on different gender, ages, position, living arrangements, and family members.
    The results showed that home-based workers tend to experience positive or negative feelings and emotions in relation to work-related aspects. Specifically, working from home reduces the need to pretend to be busy to meet workplace as well as social expectations, and eases emotional labor. However, it can also lead to employees feeling depressed due to being in the same space all the time, since there’s no clear boundary between working and resting. Additionally, we found that organizations can help alleviate the pressure of work and family if they are supportive of home-based workers.
    To enhance teleworkers’ well-being, this study offers suggestions on the following 7 aspects: telework arrangements, workload, meeting effectiveness, performance assessment, and employee relations. The study also provides some suggestions for the Ministry of Labor`s guidelines and emphasizes the need for government to continuously investigate the situation of teleworkers, develop policies, promote mental health issues, and encourage both employers and employees to prevent psychological risks.
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