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Title: | 便利商店店員的勞動過程與情緒勞動研究 Research on the Labor Process and Emotional Labor of Convenience Store Clerks |
Authors: | 顏雅婷 Yan, Ya-Ting |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei-Chun 顏雅婷 Yan, Ya-Ting |
Keywords: | 勞動過程 勞動控制 情緒勞動 Labor process Labor control Emotional labor |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:08:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 便利商店店員是最貼近我們日常消費生活的一群人,為我們帶來極大的便利。但國內關於便利商店店員的研究多著重在經營管理層面,較少關注在勞動議題。在各種從業人員的情緒勞動研究,也缺乏以超商店員為主要對象的研究,故本研究聚焦在便利商店的勞動控制與店員的回應,以及店員的情緒勞動議題。 研究發現,便利商店雖然是零售業,卻有服務業的性質,以顧客為導向。便利商店引進新的科技設備,並將工作簡化,依照機器設定操作即可完成工作,奪走店員對於勞動過程中的控制權,更能加強對店員勞動過程的控制與監督。 便利商店因為連鎖加盟制度而蓬勃發展,並透過「工作流程的標準化」、「SQC評鑑」、「客訴制度」、「業績壓力」等手段,監督及評價店員的工作表現,並建立獎懲機制,讓控制手段能有效落實。雖店員仍會呈現主體性有抵抗的行為,但多數淪為個人式、零碎化的抵抗,無法有效形成集體抵抗,店員的勞務量不斷增加,勞動條件卻未隨之提升。 便利商店店員的情緒展演也成為控制的項目,便利商店有一套情緒規則,店員是否有表達出合宜的情緒會納入考核的一部分,並加上客訴制度與連結到獎懲機制來進行控制。在店員的勞動過程中,情緒管理的深淺層的表演交錯出現,且店員的情緒負擔程度應屬偏高。為了展現符合組織要求的情緒,店員必須壓抑自身真實情緒,可能產生情緒失調的狀況。本研究也發現女性店員較容易受到性騷擾,便利商店營造親切、友善的形象,讓人沒有距離感,但卻也讓顧客忘了尊重店員,便利商店的職場安全議題值得進一步關注。 本研究以便利商店店員為研究對象,透過分析店員的勞動過程,來瞭解店員整體的勞動樣貌,分析資方的勞動控制手段,並發現店員在控制中仍呈現一定的主體性。並接續討論互動服務業的情緒勞動,進而發現店員的情緒展演過程、情緒負擔程度與調節歷程,對便利商店店員的勞動體制有更深刻的理解,目前國內尚缺乏關注在店員勞動主體性的相關研究,期待未來有更多研究。 This research focuses on the labor control over convenience store clerks and their response as well as their emotional labor. The study found that convenience stores are customer-oriented. Convenience stores tend to strengthen the control and supervision of the clerk`s labor process, thus taking away the control of the clerk over the labor process through introducing new technological equipment as well as simplifying the workflow. Convenience stores have flourished due to the chain franchise system. Through "standardization of work processes", "SQC evaluation", "customer complaint system" and other means, they monitor and evaluate the work performance of store clerks, establish a reward/punishment mechanism, and implement control methods. Although the clerks resisted, most of them were individualized. Therefore, their resistance is fragmented and unable to form a collective resistance. The workload of the clerks continued to increase, but the working conditions did not improve accordingly. The emotional labor of convenience store clerks has also become a control item. Whether the clerks express appropriate emotions will be including evaluated as a part of the assessment as well as customer complaint system and accordingly a reward / punishment mechanism will be added to control. In the labor process of clerks, we can see the interlacing of deep acting and surface acting. The emotional burden of convenience store clerks should be relatively high. This study also found that female clerks are more likely to be sexually harassed. While convenience stores require their workers to create a friendly image, workers do not receive respect from customers. The workplace safety issues of convenience stores deserve more attention. By analyzing the labor process of convenience store clerks, understanding the labor appearance of convenience store clerks, and analyzing the management`s labor control methods, this study found that clerks still show a certain degree of subjectivity in control. By exploring the emotional labor in the service industry, this study has a deeper understanding of the labor system of convenience store clerks, specifically in the following aspects: the emotional expression process, emotional burden and adjustment process of clerks. At present, there is still a lack of relevant research on the subjectivity of convenience store clerks in Taiwan, and we look forward to more research in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 108262004 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108262004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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