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    Title: 軍隊正向領導與任務情境–理念與應用
    Positive Leadership and Task Context in the Military:Concepts and Applications
    Authors: 許正庸
    Hsu, Cheng-Yung
    Contributors: 周德宇
    Chou, Te-Yu
    Hsu, Cheng-Yung
    Keywords: 軍隊領導者
    Military Leadership
    Positive Leadership
    Task Context
    Mediating Effects
    Moderating Effects
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-03-09 18:07:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國軍自 2018 年採全志願役徵募並行制度調整下,軍隊指揮體系、領導統御接連不斷傳出言行失職、管理失當的霧霾,而軍隊的層級制度強調分官設職、分層負責,軍事任務能否發揮得宜與軍隊領導者密不可分。軍隊領導者本身就是國家戰力的基礎,領導者更應該透過發覺部屬優勢及促進良好互動,讓彼此間相互信任,建立及維持一種正向團隊凝聚力,確保部屬都能得到良善的尊嚴以及尊重,在執行任務時能團結一致迎刃而解。
    本研究以 Cameron 在 2008 年所提出之「正向領導策略」理論為基礎,探究其起源與發展,辨識不同層級軍隊領導者正向領導認知上之差異,並在面臨各項重大演訓、災害救援、教育訓練任務中當受到「任務情境」介入,情境知覺產生何種正向及負向影響,進而對於領導認知產生顯著差異。期以該理論內涵、結構,結合環境與理念目標,提供軍隊領導者精進領導之新興途徑,並協助國軍在領導課程中對於人才培育產出實質應用。
    透過對臺灣北部、中部、南部級東部之軍事機構,以問卷調查法之方式,發放 880份紙本問卷,並收回有效數據 688 份,運用 SPSS statistics 26.0 統計軟體進行數據分析,運用敘述性統計、項目分析、探索式因素分析、獨立樣本 t-test 檢定、ANONVA 相關性分析、Pearson 積差分析、多元線性迴歸及中介、調節等分析方式,檢視軍隊領導者對於正向領導認知的描述,並以數據實證歸納出主要研究結果分述如后:1. 各層級軍隊領導者在整體正向領導認知呈現中上符合程度;2.不同教育程度、服務地區、兵種官科、軍事階級對於軍隊正向領導認知具有顯著差異;3.不同性別、年齡、教育程度、服務年資、服務地區、軍事階級對於任務情境知覺有顯著差異;4.任務情境與軍隊正向領導呈現顯著負相關;5.任務情境對於各層級軍隊領導者正向領導認知具中介效果;6. 任務情境對於各層級軍隊領導者正向領導認知具調節作用。
    Taiwan’s national army adopted an all-volunteer military system after reducing conscription for the eligible men in 2018. This dual track recruitment system has brought many challenges, in particular, effective leadership in a diverse and changing hierarchy, to the military service amid current and emerging miscues.
    In the light of Positive Leadership literature pioneered by Cameron (2008), we thought that even the most discipline-focused military leaders could and should promote benevolent interaction with subordinates, so as through mutual trust to establish and maintain a positive team cohesion, which in turn accomplishes the missions. This study surveys Cameron (2008) and the relevant literature on Positive Leadership and explores whether the personal backgrounds and military attributes have significant influence on the level of recognition for positive leadership. Further expanding the literature, the analysis postulates that task context has important mediating and moderating effects on the recognition level.
    This study collected 880 questionnaires from military institutions stationed in the northern, central, and southern parts of Taiwan, among them 688 were determined to be valid data. SPSS (26.0) was used for the data analysis. We presented descriptive statistics and conducted exploratory factor analysis, independent sample t-test and ANONVA correlation analysis. Pearson performance gap correlation, multiple linear regression and intermediary, mediation analysis methods show that for the level recognition of positive leadership: (1) overall speaking, military leaders show above-average level of recognition for positive leadership; (2) among personal and military background variables,education, service area, brenches and leader’s ranks show significant differences; (3) among the personal and military background variables, gender, ages, educate, years of service, services areas, branches, and leaders’ ranks show significant differences; (4) a significant negative correlation between positive leadership and task context is observed; (5) task context shows mediating effects on the positive leadership style of military leaders at all levels; and (6) task context demonstrates moderating effect on the positive leadership style of military leaders at all levels.
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