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Title: | 國軍部隊權力距離與工作鑲嵌對建言行為之影響 —以北部實兵單位為例 The Influence of Power Distance and Job Embedding in the National Army on Voice Behavior — An Example of Northern Battalion |
Authors: | 林宥辰 Lin, Yu-Chen |
Contributors: | 羅光達 LUO, GUANG-DA 林宥辰 Lin, Yu-Chen |
Keywords: | 權力距離 工作鑲嵌 建言行為 Power distance Job embeddedness Voice behavior |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:06:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在明確階級制度的軍事機關中,管理風格多以威權方式要求部屬,於過往領導統御經驗中,亦將「軍令如山」奉為圭臬。如何使部屬發自內心的認同單位,進而以增強團隊及改善工作現況為出發點,主動提出具建設性的建議,打破官大學問大的窠臼值得深入剖析。基於此,本研究以北部某實兵單位為研究對象,探討軍事機關官士兵中權力距離、工作鑲嵌對建言行為的影響程度。 研究方法採問卷調查法,針對國軍北部某實兵單位實施,問卷透過線上電子及紙本方式共發放計305份,有效問卷回收計269份,有效回收率達88.2%。再使用SPSS 26及AMOS 28統計軟體分析資料,分別採用描述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、差異性分析、相關分析與迴歸分析等,藉以驗證所提出之各項假說是否成立。相關研究發現(1)權力距離與工作鑲嵌對建言行為達正向顯著關聯性;(2)權力距離與工作鑲嵌子構面(契合及連結)對建言行為子構面(促進性及抑制性)達正向顯著關聯性。最後提出實務管理想法及相關研究建議供後續發想,希冀能提供國軍部隊實務之參酌。 In military institutions with a clear hierarchy, the management style mostly requires subordinates in an authoritarian manner. In the past experience of leadership, "military orders are unquestionable” is also regarded as the standard. How to make subordinates identify with the team from the bottom of their hearts, and willing to strengthen and improve the current situation of the work by proactively putting forward constructive suggestions is worth for further analysis. Base on the view of the point, the research would like to discuss Job embeddedness and the degree of influence of voice behavior in a military unit in Northern part of the national army in Taiwan. The research method adopts the questionnaire survey method, which is implemented for a certain military unit in the northern part of the national army. A total of 305 questionnaires were distributed through online electronic and paper methods, and 269 valid questionnaires were returned, with an effective recovery rate of 88.2%. Then through SPSS 26 and AMOS 28 statistical software data analysis, using descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, difference analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis, etc., to verify the validity of the various hypotheses proposed in this research, Relevant studies have found that (1) Power Distance and Job Embeddedness have a positive and significant impact on voice behavior; (2) Power Distance and Job Embeddedness sub-components (Fit and Link) have a positive and significant impact on voice behavior sub-components (Promotive and Prohibitive) influences. Finally, management implications and follow-up research suggestions are put forward, hoping to provide reference for the national army in practical management. |
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