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Title: | 國軍部隊中的玻璃天花板現象及其影響 -以陸軍女性中高階軍官為例 Reflections of the Glass Ceiling in Military: A Case Study of Female Senior Officers in the Army. |
Authors: | 田琍筠 Tien, Li-Yun |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei-Chun 田琍筠 Tien, Li-Yun |
Keywords: | 女性軍官 玻璃天花板 職涯發展 工作滿意度 Female officers Glass ceiling Career development Job satisfaction |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:05:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著全球性針對性別議題的日趨重視,國防部亦遵從政策頒布性別平等計畫,並賡續推動各項性別平等工作。細數女性人力投入部隊已20餘年,在高度民主及自由化的台灣社會中,女性玻璃天花板的現象是否還存在於現今陸軍部隊環境中,是值得探討的議題;鑒於國內針對陸軍女性中高階軍官相關研究並不多見,故引發本研究之動機。本研究採質性研究,針對陸軍中高階女性軍官(中、上校階)實施深度訪談,依據受訪者的資訊回饋,再加以分析、歸納其在職業生涯中是否存在玻璃天花板現象,藉此再進一步分析職場環境對工作實務、工作滿意度及職涯發展的影響。 研究結果發現,陸軍部隊中玻璃天花板現象仍然存在,某些職位或工作仍會因為長官的想法或慣例而有所設限,但它並非堅不可摧。隨著性別主流政策的持續推動,逐步開放女性挑戰軍中的各個領域,輔以社會型態的轉變,部隊長官亦會鼓勵表現優秀的女性軍官持續向上發展,職場上的成就也會提高工作的滿意度。然而,在玻璃天花板不斷被打破之際,傳統價值觀與家庭的衝突依然存在,「孩子」儼然變成為女性軍官們的軟肋所在,許多優秀的女性幹部在面臨工作及家庭取捨之時,仍然會選擇家庭而放棄良好的升遷機會;基於上述原因,本研究建議部隊應確實執行三安政策,並落實性別平權,不要淪為政策口號;希冀相關研究結果能提供政策單位在進行規劃時予以參酌,使女性人才能在陸軍中長留久用、發揮所長,歷練完整並持續晉升,在陸軍各個角落發熱發光。 With the increasing global focus on gender issues, the Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C has promulgated a gender equality plan and continues to promote gender equality. In the highly democratic and liberalized Taiwan society, it is worthwhile to investigate whether the glass ceiling effect still exists in the army or not. This study was motivated by the fact that there are not many studies on female senior officers in the Army. This is a qualitative study, and conducted in-depth interviews with female senior officers in the Army (ranking from lieutenant colonel to colonel). Based on feedback from respondents, this study analyzes whether the glass ceiling effect exists in their carrier and further explore the impact of the workplace environment on work practices, job satisfaction, and career development. The results of the study revealed that the glass ceiling effect still exists in the Army, and certain positions or jobs are still denied to female officiers due to the ideas or practices of the higher officers. But it is not so indestructible. With the continued promotion of gender mainstreaming policies, women can challenge all areas of the military. As the social norms change, commanders will also encourage the continued advancement of high-performing female officers. Achievement in the workplace will increase job satisfaction. However, at a time when the glass ceiling is constantly being challenged, the conflict between traditional values and family still exists. "Children" has become the weakness of female officers in their career development. When faced with the choice between work and family, many outstanding female officers will choose family over good promotion opportunities. For the above reasons, this study recommends that the army should implement “family-friendly policies” and affirmative action, rather than reducing them to policy slogans. It is hoped that the results of the study can be used by policy makers in their planning process, so that the talented female can stay in the Army for a long time and give full play to their strengths. And the female officers can be well-trained and continue to rise to higher ranks, shining brightly in every corner of the Army. |
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